Chapter Four

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  I find myself on another platform with some stairs to my left. I turn around and see one of those creepy eyes again. Luckily it's not one that shines light. I flick open my lighter and start walking up the stairs. I reach another platform and I turn walking up some more stairs. They go even higher. I reach an open door but I ignore it going up higher stairs. I reach yet another platform and go up some more stairs. When I reach the top I'm outside a house looking place and I see a door with another eye. I see a open window and a box under it. I crawl through the open window and find myself in a room with a suitcase on the floor, tall dressers, some clocks, and a picture of the creepy guy. I see two nomes scuttle away from the suitcase and I wish they weren't so scared of me. I sigh and I look around some more.
  Everything is so tall, I see a table I missed earlier and I have to crane my neck to see the very top of it. I see a lever and I realize it's just out of my reach. I pull the suitcase over to the lever and I hop onto it. I pull the lever down and a bed releases from the wall and falls down. I climb onto it and see there's straps on it. "What the hell are these for?" I shake my head and see a climable dresser beside me. I start climbing up it and see on top of the table is a key, I also see a picture of two nomes. I continue climbing up the dresser and when I reach the top I climb onto the top of a shelving unit. I can see the key below me, it's a pretty long way down to the table, I turn my head and I see a geisha doll on a shelf alittle ways away. I jump down onto a shorter dresser and pull myself up onto the shelf with the geisha doll.
  I pick it up and toss it over the edge of the shelf. It makes a satisfying crashing sound as it hits the floor. I jump back down onto the shorter dresser and the jump down onto the table. I pick up the key on the table and toss it over the edge so I can jump down. I pick it up again and I see a door like thing in the wall next to the lever. I put the key down and push on the wall, it swings open and I feel proud of myself. I pick up the key and continue carrying it, I then see a door on the other side of the room, I toss the key onto a slightly taller ledge and jump up myself. I then put the key in the lock and open it. I push the door open with a loud squeak and I wall into the next room. I see a monkey toy with symbols laying on the ground. I pick it up and see a button too high for me to press, I go over to it and throw the monkey toy at it, right as the toy hits the button the toy starts going off.
  The toy falls to the ground and the room starts shaking. Suddenly the door open and I see an elevator filled with boxes on the other side. I walk inside and immediately the floorboards start creaking. I wait for the elevator to start moving but it doesn't, then I see another button in the inside. "Oh." I go back into the other room and pick up the toy monkey. As I walk inside I throw the monkey at the button and the door closes. The elevator goes down and I wish Mono was here to talk to me. When the elevator reaches the next floor I walk out and another rat scurries away from me. As I walk forward my stomach growls and I start coughing. I walk past a large fan and my stomach growls again. I walk under a pipe and flick open my lighter.
  I light a lamp that catches my attention and I continue forward. My stomach growls again and I fall to the floor in pain. "So hungry..." I murmur. I stand up slowly and continue into the room in front of me. I walk down some steps and see two rats half in a cage with meat in it, they scurry away as I get close. I know it's not smart to go into a cage, but I'm so hungry, I need the food. I walk into the cage and start eating the meat when I finish I hear the cage door slam behind me. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I scream as I'm lifted into darkness. I flick my lighter frantically and when it finally lights I see the face of the monster that I saw earlier. I scramble to the other side of the cage and sit down. I lay my head on my knees and close my eyes.

  I wake up curled in a ball and see the long armed freak drag away a big cage with a kid in it. I stand up and see I'm on top of another cage, I also see I'm near the edge of the cage I'm on top of. I slam into the side of the cage I'm in and it moves. I continue doing that until I fall of the edge of the cage I was on. The top of my cage pops off and I crawl through it gratefully. "Hey." I hear someone whisper behind me. I turn around curious and see a kid in a blue sweater with a shackle on his ankle in a cage. "Can you help me?" He asks. "Um...." The only other kid I even met in this world was Mono. "Please, before he returns." The kid whispers frantically. I stand there trying to figure out if I should help or not.

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