Chapter Nine

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I climb down the shelves and crawl up onto the ledge above the radiator. I grab onto the keg and swing back and forth until the key comes off the ledge. I fall down with the key and Seven comes over to help me up. I smile and he picks up the key. "Seven." I say. I don't need him to carry it. "Six, I want to help." And he starts walking away giving me no room to argue. I follow him and we walk up the steps to the now open elevator. We get inside and it immediately goes down. We sneak forward as it gets on the lower floor. We crawl through a small vent we didn't see before and we are under the table we hid under to avoid the first chef. One of the chef's is rummaging through a cabinet full of meat. He eventually goes away and me and Seven sneak under the table the first chef was cutting meat on. We sneak forward and crawl through a vent only to be seen by one of the chefs.
  We run and hide under a table next to a oven. The chef doesn't see us so he loses interest. We run quietly through the kitchen and go over to the door that was locked. Seven puts the key in and we open the door. We walk through the door and I see a table with a meat cleaver stuck in it. There's some sausages scattered about on the table as well. Me and Seven climb onto the table, up some boxes, and through the window in the wall. We fall to the ground on the other side and I see a huge meat grinder. Curious I climb up onto the table and pull a lever hanging from the ceiling. A thing of meat falls from the ceiling into the top of the meat grinder. Seven joins me and moves the handle of the grinder. A sausage comes out of the other side.
  I see a small child sized elevator beside the table and I climb up into it. The elevator goes up and I find myself in a freezer. I see the same kind of meat hanging from a hook above me and I go over to some shelves. I climb up those and jump onto an empty hook before swinging from that one and grabbing onto the meat on the other hook. The meat slides down and I fall with it. I then drag it over to the trapdoor that I assume I used earlier to get the meat. I go to go back into the elevator but I see another thing of meat, remembering that the first thing of meat only produced one sausage I drag it off of the table and over to the trapdoor. I get in the elevator and go back down.
  I join Seven on the table with the meat grinder and pull the lever bringing down the two meats into the top of the meat grinder. Seven turns the handle some more and two more sausages appear connected to the first one. Seven grins at me and runs grabbing onto the sausages and swinging into the vent through the opening. I run and jump, grabbing onto the sausages, I swing and let go jumping into the vent. Seven turns on his flashlight and we continue forward. Seven stops and I stop behind him. "What is it." "Just wait for my call." He says. He goes down a drop in the vent and soon after he calls up to me. "Ok Six, you can come down." I jump down after him and he smiles. "I was getting tired of being crushed whenever you land on me." I give a small laugh. "Sorry." He just smiles.
  "It's fine." We continue forward and jump out into a room with more body bags. It's cold in here, it must be another freezer. We walk forward and pass a overturned box with another box on top of it. We go into a hallway with a locked door and a elevator. I pull the handle for the elevator and it comes down, with a chef in it. Me and Seven run back into the other room and crawl into the box. We're squished together because of the size of the box. The chef walks past the box and I grab Seven's hand running towards the vacant elevator. I hear a scream behind us as we run into the elevator and I know the chef spotted us.
  The elevator goes up and I know when we get off we'll have to hide because the chef will look for us. We reach the next floor and I see a vent we can hide in. Wasting no time I drag Seven over to the vent and tell him to get inside. He crawls into the vent and I follow after him as the elevator comes up with the chef in it. The chef looks around for a few seconds before he goes into a room beside us and I hear him start chopping something. We crawl out of the vent and I see a key for the locked door on the floor below us, I saw it before we had to run from the chef. The key is on the table the chef is working at. I whisper at Seven to stay, as I sneak behind the chef to the next room. I go into the next room and see a body bag in a sink and a button on the sink. I go over and press the button.
  Something loud turns on and the body bag starts getting sucked into the sink while spurting blood. I run through a vent in the wall as the chef running into the room trying to figure out what's going on. I see Seven jumping down from the table as I enter the room. We run over to the elevator and get inside. I hear a startled grunt from the chef as the elevator goes down. When we reach to bottom floor we run over to the door, unlock it, and push it open. We run into the next room and hide in another small box. We wait as the chef searches for us.
  He leaves after giving a quick look over and me and Seven crawl out of the box. I breath a sigh of relief only to earn a soft hit on the shoulder from Seven. "YOU SCARED MY BACK THERE SIX! I THOUGHT HE GOT YOU!" He yells at me before enveloping me in a hug. "But I will say, you are brave." I smile and hug him back. "Thanks." We separate from the hug and I see a door on the wall we can crawl through. I climb onto the box we hid in and jump up, grabbing onto the handle and pulling it open. Seven climbs up onto the box and I let go of the handle joining him.
  We jump onto the now open door and walk forward only to fall down a long shoot. We fall down onto some trash in a heap of limbs. I untangle myself from Seven and stand up. He stands up and turns on his flashlight. We look around and I see trash and surprisingly a plunger. I shrug and go over to the walls. I grab onto them and start climbing. "Seven come on!" I call down. He turns off his flashlight plunging the room into darkness and I hear him start following me. We reach the top and crawl into a vent. I let Seven slip by me and go first. We crawl forward and I hear the sound of dishes being washed. We crawl forward and we come to a hole in to floor, we poke our heads out and I see the two chefs washing dishes together.
  Me and Seven crawl out quietly assuming the chefs are busy at the moment. We craw under a sink and continue forward. Suddenly I hear a shriek and we run forward into the next room and hide under the counter. When I feel it's safe I crawl out and Seven follows me. I see that we won't be able to open the door next to us. So I crawl up onto the counter and see a switch. I pull the switch and above us the hooks start going out of the kitchen instead of in. I hear another shriek and I jump down. Seven drags me under the counter as a chef runs in. He looks around before going back to washing dishes.
  Me and Seven sneak out from under the counter and I point to the hooks. "We can ride those out of here if we get high enough." I whisper. He nods and we sneak out of the room. We sneak past the chef washing dishes on this side of the room and we crawl under the sink. "That looks climable." I say pointing to a shelf with dishes on it. Seven nods and we crawl back into the vent. We walk over to the next hole in the floor and we climb out. I go over to the shelves full of dishes and start climbing, I look down to see Seven following behind. We reach the top and I see a small ledge right beneath where the hooks go. I jump over to it and Seven follows. Seven jumps up and grabs onto a passing hook, I jump up and grab onto the part of the hook beside him. "I don't want to ride onto hook alone." I explain.
  He nods and we ride the hook through the kitchen. A chef screams and they run after us, they're too short to reach the hook so I don't know why they try. We ride through the kitchen with the chefs chasing after us. We go through a hole in the wall into the room we switched the direction in and through another hole in the wall. I see one chef on a balcony reaching for us and me and Seven drop. We run forward and slide under a table with a chef trying to grab us. We run towards some boxes as the chef throws a bottle at us. We quickly climb onto the boxes and suddenly Seven takes my arms wrapping them around his neck, before jumping up and grabbing onto a hook. We ride the hook away and I look Seven in the eyes.
  "Why did you do that?" "I figured if we did the same thing you did earlier in a rush you wouldn't make it. So I did the logical thing." I smile at him. "Well thank you for saving my life." He smiles back. "No problem. Now hold on." Suddenly he lets go of the hook and my arms tighten around his neck. We land on a small ledge and I let go of him. I grab his hand and we walk forward into a hole in the wall.

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