Chapter Eight

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  We fall down a small drop in the vent and continue forward. Seven goes up the ladder in front of us first and I follow behind him. It's going to be easier to get through this place with him by my side. We climb up into a room with meat hooks going by over our heads and Seven jumps onto one riding it as it goes out into the open. I grab onto the one behind him and follow him. We ride the hooks above a abyss and I look to the side to see a bulbous figure smoking with a chef hat on.

Kinda like the Doctor only walking, right Six?

  I nod. Mono's right. This chef thing looks like the Doctor. Me and Seven continue our assent into another place. We go through a window and drop down onto some human shaped bags. I shudder and follow behind Seven. We make it down the pile of human shaped bag and that's when it hits me. My stomach growls and I double over grabbing it in pain. Seven looks at me worried. "Six? Are you okay?" "So...... hungry....." I mumble. We walk forward in search for food and as we enter a room a rat runs from us. Soon afterwards I hear the snap of a rat trap. We continue forward following the rat and as we walk into the next room my stomach growls again and I fall to the floor. I get up again, I need food, any food, hell I would kill for food right now. I see the rat in front of us, squirming in it's trap.
  I stumble towards it. "Six what are you doing?" Seven's voice is far away. I snatch the rat out of the trap and bite into it's neck hungry for anything. I watch as it rat's blood stains the floor around me. When I finish I come to the realization of what I've done. "Oh god! Oh no! I feel so bad!" I turn to Seven who's looking at me in astonishment mixed with fear. "No, Seven, I was just so hungry, you can understand right?" I walk towards him and he takes a step back. I realize he's scared of me, of what I did. I fall to my knees and cry into my hands. I don't know why but I just cry, i keep crying until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Seven kneeling next to me. "It's okay Six." I look back at my hands which are now covered with blood. "Seven, I, I don't know what came over me, I was just so hungry, I couldn't help myself." He nods in understanding and stands up holding out a hand.
  I grab his hand and he helps me stand up. "We all do desperate things when we're fighting for survival." He says. I smile at him and he smiles back. We walk forward and climb some boxes, one is filled with those child sized, human shaped bags. We jump through doorway that was partially blocked off by a box and land in another box filled with bags. The lights are flickering in here so Seven turns on his flashlight. We jump down onto the floor and I find that it's wet. We walk over to a small slab leaning against a box. Seven climbs up onto the box it's leaning against and pushes it to the other boxes. I walk up the slab onto the the boxes and Seven jumps over joining me.
  We walk across the boxes filled with bags and jump down. We walk up some stairs and as we walk up I see blood smearing the floor leading towards the doors. I shudder and grab Seven's hand. We walk through the doors and enter a room with a cart. Me and Seven push the cart up against the wall under a window. We climb up and jump through the window. We land in a pantry and I feel bad for eating that rat when there was a pantry close by. I can hear something up ahead. We sneak forward, as we enter a hallway I see what looks like an elevator beside us. We continue sneaking forward and the sound gets louder. We sneak through a doorway and I see the bulbous figure that was smoking earlier. It's cutting up meat.
  Me and Seven sneak under a table as the thing finishes cutting up it's meat. It grabs a sausage and tosses it into the pot on the stove. It then goes back to the table and starts cutting meat again. Me and Seven sneak past it and hide under a shelf as it finishes what it's doing and goes into the next room. We follow behind it quietly and hide under a table. We wait for the thing to start doing something before continuing across the kitchen, as we sneak to another table a nome scuttles off and we follow it up some stairs and behind some cabinets. We lose the nome but I see to get out of here we have to get a key to open the door in front of us. We climb up some shelves and I see a lamp I can light. Seven jumps up onto the beams above us as I light the lamp. Suddenly I hear a screech and I jump up onto the beam next to Seven. The thing me and is trying to reach us, it's so fat and short that it comes nowhere near us.
  It soon loses interest and goes back to cooking. We creep along the beams and soon come to some cages filled with fish. We climb up those and crawl into a vent. On the other side is two toilets right next to each other. I follow Seven who turns on his flashlight because it's dark. We push open a door and we walk past some stairs leading to an elevator. We sneak into the next room, I can hear loud snoring and I look up at the bed and see a bulbous shape. Is it another chef monster? Me and Seven climb up a dresser and I hear the thing get up. I look down right as the lights turn on and I see it is another chef monster. The thing leaves the room and I sigh with relief. Seven taps my shoulder and points. I see a key on a peg below us.

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