Chapter nine:

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It was 9:45 at the sororities Halloween party and as much as I may not of liked Lara, she could throw a good party that's for sure. Because I wasn't prepared for a costume until early this morning, I just wore a tight red dress and some borrowed devil ears from Malcom.

"Come on, let's dance"

I ask Brad, pulling him as he stood there awkwardly. I loved to party but I wasn't a big drinker, but I was so borderline tonight, I was stumbling around, I could barely see but I would do anything to just forget for one night.

"Nooo babe, I don't think so. I think we should leave"

He yells over the music. No way! If we left now, it would ruin my plan.

"No no, we can't leave; I have more people that you need to meet"

I tell him. I grab his wrist and pull him away through the crowd while I search my eyes for the group, which I see from Malcoms vampire costume.

"Guys, there's someone I'd like you to meet"

I tell them as I push Brad towards them.

"Braddie, this is Malcom and Catrina, my new friends"

He awkwardly waves and Catrina stands up, stumbling and from their red eyes, I could tell they'd been at the weed brownies.

"Is this Brad? The boyfriend?"

She asks, a look on her face. I nod and grab my cherry sour drink from Brads hands so I can take a sip.

"He's so pretty!"

They coo, poking at his face, making him clearly uncomfortable.

"Come on, we're getting a drink"

They pull him away before he can object and I Chuck myself down next to George, who's rocking his usual clothing as he's too cool for Halloween and Malcom, while Claire and Molly drunkingly talk gibberish to one and other, as Molly sits on her lap.

"Why aren't you wearing a costume?"

I scream at George while he holds his beer, no expression or feeling about the fact I'd disturbed his discussion with Malcom.

"I hate Halloween"

"Then why are you here?"

He shrugs.

"I like to drink, and I love girls I'm hot costumes"

He winks and I pretend to dramatically gag as Malcom laughs at his friends antics.


He asks, raising the beer to his lips. I raise my eyebrows but shake my head before leaning back. Catrina and Brad return and I look to Claire, who signals for me to go ahead with my plan.

I stand up and walk towards the small table in the middle of the living room and clap my hands.


Everyone starts to pay attention and for some reason, everyone, and I mean the whole party, stare at me and the music is turned off.

"So, a lot of you may actually know but my name is Hallie Cook, I'm 18 years old, studying psychology so I can hopefully become a marriage counsellor and I just wanted to disturb your party for a appreciation post for my...partner, Brad here"

I raise the red cup towards him and everyone looks at him, some even cooing at the fact he's blushing.

"We've been together for 3 years now, and our plan was that college wouldn't change shit for us, and that once we left, we'd move to wherever and start a family and until...10:30 last night, I was adamant that was still the plan going ahead..."

He furrows his eyebrows and I see Claire smirk while George, Malcom, Catrina and Molly look at eachother in confusion, while the party whispers.

"You see, I was seeing a former teacher of mine, and we were talking about my relationship and she told me something...something that I thought, would never ever happen to me........... BRAD VALMONT IS A DIRTY LITTLE ASSHOLE WHOS HAS BEEN KISSING OTHER GIRLS IN NEW YORK WHILE I TELL MY FRIENDS THAT I LOVE HIM, AND PLAN TO PREPARE FOR MY FUTURE WITH HIM"

The party oohs and The group, along with Brad look flabbergasted as I jump down and walk towards Brad.

"What's wrong baby? You look shocked that I found out your dirty little secret"

I spit at him, patting his cheek.

"Baby please..."

"Nope. We're done. Known each other our whole lives and 3 years of a relationship, down the drain because you couldn't keep it in your pants..."

Tears fall from my eyes as he doesn't say anything, a look of sadness on his face.

"You've made me feel like I'm wrong, and made me wonder that I did wrong, and I'll never forgive you"

I whisper, so softly he's the only one who can hear me.

"I'm sorry..."

He whispers back but I shake my head. I throw the rest of the cherry sours over my face before I slither through the now dancing crowd, not caring that I was pretty much pushing people out of the way.


I ignore the calls of my name, thinking it was Brad as I step outside the house and sit on the porch swing, my hands over my eyes and I sob into them.

"Halicopter, are you alright?"

A soft voice speaks to me and I look up to see George there, standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

"Just great...peachy"

I tell him before leaning back onto the swing. George follows me and just sits there as I stare out a pair of drunk girls giggling to one and other.

"It gets easier, you know?"

He tries to assure me. I hum in confusion, turning to face the curly headed cocky son of a bitch.

"Heartbreak...the pain doesn't always stay there"

He repeats in a different way. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"As if you've ever been heartbroken, I can't imagine you've ever had a real girlfriend"

I tell him and he laughs.

"I have, we were together 4 years, broke up 6 months ago because I caught her with a bad boy type, it hurt at first but now she's the one calling me to take her back all the time because she misses me."

He shrugs it off.

"Well, if for all its worth, the only thing I actually like about you is that you stood your ground"

He laughs again and that laugh just melts my heart at how innocent it really is, the complete opposite to him.

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