Chapter twenty three:

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One year later:

The bookstore cafe was booming -as it had been for a while since it had a complete makeover, becoming more modern yet still having a bookish vibe to it-

I hand the panicked assistant her incredibly difficult coffee order and she thanks me before heading for the door.

"Hallie, your boyfriends here"

My workmate teases me and I roll my eyes and walk behind the kitchen and outside where my now boyfriend was standing outside his car, looking around casually until his eyes reach me.

It had been a just over a little over year since this guy, the love of my life and the man who officially saved it, was now my boyfriend. It happened all 6 months ago, in a romantic but not fancy way, in particular.

Flashback: April

"Sir, madam, enjoy your table...any problems, my name is Joey so just give me a call"

The waiter smiles at us before walking away, allowing me and George to settle in to our seat.

"He looks like like a pig being led to the slaughter"

George says before his eyes scan the fancy menu.

"You mean a sheep?"

I ask and he hums, not looking up at me.

"You just said a like a pig being led to the slaughter. The saying is like a sheep being led to the slaughter"

I giggle at the stupid look on his face as he thinks about the saying and his mouth drops.

"Oh my god"

I break out into laughter. This guy was leaving college soon, planning to become a teacher.

"Oh my god, you're an idiot"

I say between chuckles, even having to take a sip of water to control myself so the rich snobs around me don't make a comment about our laughing.

"Oh I'm stupid now, right?"

He questions and I nod, holding back a chuckle.

"Well then...I guess you wouldn't want to become the stupid guys boyfriend now, hmmm?"

He asks and I furrow my eyebrows before I realise what he's saying.

"George Carter, would you like to ask me something?"

I tease and lets out a chuckle before reaching for my hand and tightly gripping it, his thumb moving up against the skin.

"Hallie...halicopter, Will you, officially, become my girlfriend?"

He asks and my heart throbs violently and I feel a tear about to fall from my eye which I quickly wipe away as the people around us don't think he's proposing, or

I nod and he smiles, the look of relief in his eyes before he leans forward and places a kiss onto my lips.

"I love you, Hallie Cook"

"I love you, George Carter.

End of flashback:

"Hello nerd!"

He teases, wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on his lips. A I lean back and take him in, I notice his cheeks are rosy, he's quite sweaty and his hairs messy.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why do you look so dishevelled?"

I ask. For some odd reason, and only for a few moments, he looks guilty before the look vanished.

"I want for a bike ride"

He signals to his clothing, which is a coral shirt and some shorts, and I instantly relax.

"Oh, alright. Come on, your moms probably expecting us"

I kiss his nose before heading into the car. 3 times a month, Amanda insisted that we come to the house for dinner, along with Zara and Will and then once our families finally met one and other, Amanda was adamant on them coming along.

"Awh! There's my favourite couple"

Amanda coos, embracing the pair of us and placing small kisses on both of our cheeks and allowing us in, giving us view of my mom and dad, along with Carson and Zara, sat on the couch looking...a little too close.

Taylor and Will were in conversation about something and Amanda was handing my dad a beer.

"Would you two like a drink?"

She asks as we take a seat next to one and other.

"I'll have a Pepsi please"

I ask.

"And I'll have a beer as well"

George winks at his mom who looks visibly annoyed that he's drinking but chooses not to say anything because he turned 21 a month ago.

"I know she's always gonna hate the fact that you can drink in front of her now"

I tease, he puts his mouth to my ear.

"Hell yeah she is!"

He says loudly, instead of an soft whisper, making me visibly cringe.

"You need to stop doing that, it makes me skin go all weird"

I tell him, slapping at him.

"You love it"

He teases and makes kissy faces at me.

...and now, our time is upWhere stories live. Discover now