Chapter Six

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It had been years since he felt the beast inside him. The monster he had so carefully put it away...but when he saw her, it awoke. With fury and rage tearing at him from the inside, he should have known power would slip as well. Screams erupted and people fled at the glance of his ability. Rhysand couldn't have cared less. He didn't know what he was doing until he was actually doing it.

How was she alive?

Tamlin killed her in front of his eyes; As the High Lord of Spring ripped her chest open, he watched. Carving out her heart as she had stopped Feyre's.


She continued to send messages via the bond, Feeling the shift in his emotions that turn into rage.

If he was himself, he would apologize, he would calm down and think before he did something reckless to injure someone unintentionally. But the monster didn't care, all it wanted was her.


The female who had emotionally, mentally, and physically ruined him.

He should kill her right then and there. Rip her heart out and be done with it. Tear off her head and never see her again. Burn her alive- make her suffer. Just she had made him. Watch as the blood drips down into his skin and stains his shoes. To keep her head as a trophy,topeelherskinandlightheronfiremakehersufferagainandagainandagainandagain-

Feyre's calls were growing louder, angry and worried at the lack of his response.

Grabbing Amarantha by her arm, He spread his wings and flew towards the Prison.


Rhysand couldn't even bear the sight of her. Weeks have passed with her locked up in the Prison, letting the creatures in their taunt and torture her. Until his mate stood by his side and deemed it ready to confront her, guards up, shields ready and weapons at their sides. They would not underestimate her.

His entire Inner Court had gathered.

Amren wasn't too pleased to have sent Varian away until he told her who he had encountered.

Mor, Lucien, and Cassian wanted to tear her apart at the Prison, but Amren and Azriel decided to question her instead. His Mate had sided with them, whilst he agreed with Mor, Cass, and Luicen.

They told Madja to stay at the House of Wind with Nyx for a time while they took care of some "business."

Damn Fate if it was destined that something happened to Nyx because they were reckless with confidence. Rhysand would ignite the world in darkness if that were to happen.


"Father, please."

Rhysand's heart slowed to a halt. His entire body was as though it had been turned to stone. Then he felt the fury that had been building up inside him burst forth.

He grabbed Amarantha's head and pushed himself into her consciousness, ignoring her cries.


It wasn't the same as before. Rhysand had attempted many times to get inside the mind of his abuser back Under the Mountain, but he had always been greeted by a stone shield. This, on the other hand, was different. He was confronted by a mist; a version of a darkness he had never seen.

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