Friend or Foe

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Tommy tried to reconnect with that feeling over the next few days. He tried sitting in different places around the house and a few spots outside in the yard. Anyone walking by the front yard probably would have been concerned as the young blonde sat there with his eyes closed, but he didn't care. His frustration only grew further when the feeling he had before didn't return.

He wasn't sure what he was doing wrong. He did it exactly like how Techno had instructed, and even waited a good twenty minutes during one of the sessions. The only difference was that he was alone, but that shouldn't matter. Tommy hadn't told anyone he was trying to use his power again, but he was sure they were starting to notice how increasingly down he was becoming everytime he tried and failed to use his ability.

Which leads to now, as he sits at the table for breakfast, not eating and only pushing around the food, clearly waiting for the first person to leave.

Phil looked at him for a second before squinting.

"You alright, mate?"

Tommy took a few seconds before turning to him and shrugging. Wilbur was staring at him as well now.

"You should get out of the house." He said with a snort.

Tommy rolled his eyes.

"There's this kid that Ranboo always hangs out with. The three of you would make good friends." Wilbur tried to carry on the conversation.

"If I see this Ranboo kid again," Tommy started, while Wilbur muttered that they were technically the same age."Will you help me practice my ability like Techno tried to?"

Wilbur nodded quickly.


Tommy was pretty sure he remembered where to go. Though they'd only been the way once, he had a pretty good memory. Once he stumbled back to the same town that threw him out three times because of his insanely good memory. that even why he went back? Shouldn't he have stayed away if he knew where he was?

Whatever, he needed to focus on getting to Ranboob's house... which...was not in this creepy alleyway. Where the hell was he now?

Tommy grumbled something, but immediately quieted as he heard footsteps. A fire appeared in the darkness of an alleyway beside him. To the side, it's light illuminated the face of somebody familiar, but it was too dim to tell how. The man stepped forward into the light, the fire growing beside him and illuminating another man behind him.

It's then that Tommy realized who they were.

He gasped sharply, reeling away from them. He fell backwards, trying to scoot away as they came closer. Memories of raging fire and the smell of smoke flooded his senses.

"Hey, kid, don't be scared. We were just making our exit." The man from behind him stepped out in front of the fire guy.

He had a green hoodie that swallowed his torso and a utility belt that crossed him. He looked to be more cozy than god-like. The other guy was black-on-white for most of his clothing, his hair held back by a bandanna.

But the most revealing part of their identity was the stupid mask on the first guy's face. He remembered that blank smile as the light of the fire around them reflected across the porcelain.

"I-I, uhm-" Tommy choked on his words.

"Sapnap, Dream. What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you both be in the upper districts if you aren't out of the city?"

A stern voice made him snap his gaze away from the men. A boy with brown hair that fell loosely over his eyes stood there with an angered expression. His goat ears flicked with irritation, his mini horns gleaming in the sunlight from outside the alley. A bit behind him, Ranboo shadowed the boy, looking uncomfortable.

"We were just on our way, Tubbo." The green man huffed idly.

"Then go, Dream, and take Sapnap with you."

He heard Dream grunt and then saunter out of the alley, Sapnap trailing him.

Tubbo watched them go and then hurried to Tommy's side, helping him to his feet, though his short height barely assisted him.

"Hi! Sorry about those two. I know they go on giant arson missions, but I didn't think they'd go so low as to burn teens in alleyways." Tubbo bounced on his feet a little.

All Tommy could do was nod. The burning images of his meadow were still fresh on his mind now.

"You're the one that has the weird writing on your arm, right? Boo told me about you!"

Ranboo ducked at the recognition.

"Yeah, that's right." Tommy muttered.

"I'm Tubbo, by the way. Dream said that, but I didn't know if you caught it. I'm assuming your already know Ranboo, too?"

Tommy nodded again.

Tubbo started to walk away from them, then turned back and waved for them to follow him.

"Let's get out of here! Dark places give me the creeps in this city."

"So when did you get here?" Tubbo skipped along happily as if he wasn't being terrifying two seconds ago.

"I lost track of time. A month or two maybe?" Tommy rubbed his neck.

They walked through the streets, Tommy between the two. He wasn't sure where they were headed, but he was lost already so how much more lost could he get?

"There's this really good diner thingy down the road from Ranboo's house. Wanna get some food from there?" Tubbo skipped ahead a bit and faced them while he walked backwards.

"Sure." Tommy's stomach grumbled as if on cue.

Soon they passed Ranboo's house and even sooner they were sitting in a diner.

"You should try that doodle soup stuff that Ranboo always gets." Tubbo suggested.

Tommy looked down at its description and ordered it when the greasy lady came around to record what they wanted.

It turned out to be really good, and Tommy left them by themselves after promising to come meet them again soon. He made his way back with ease, but the walk back started to weigh on him. It had gotten dark already, and it creeped him out just like Tubbo was earlier. The thoughts of those two men again blurred his vision until he realized he was on the front doorstep.

Without thinking, he pulled the door open sharply and rushed inside. The light was a blinding contrast to the dark outside. He took a deep breath and shut the door. Immediately he heard footsteps, and Wilbur's face appeared around the corner.

"Oh, hey Tommy, how was your day?" He asked nonchalantly, making his way to the fridge.

"It was good. You were right, Tubbo and Ranboo are alright." He shrugged even though Wilbur's back was turned.

Wilbur glanced at him with a grin.

"Told you. I was thinking we could try your ability tomorrow, just you and me?"

Tommy's eyes widened excitedly.


He hurried up the stairs to his bedroom, lightly closing the door and then writhing around in excitement.

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