Fuck that drive, man

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Max stared out the window as David drove, ignoring his dad's talk about how proud he was that he was in college or some other shit about either himself or Max.

"I coulda drove myself, you know," Max grumbled.

"No such thing!" David insisted, raising a hand off the wheel for a minute before returning it to its previous spot.

He groaned, hands flying to fix the mess that it was before David fucked it up.

He opened his phone, checking the time. 12:46. The GPS said they would be there at 1:11. He slouched in his seat, fully fucking done with this trip.

"Are you excited to be starting college?" David asked finally.

Max shrugged. "I guess." If he was being honest, he was excited. He would have thought he'd be six feet under by now. Between the bouts of depression and anxiety he's experienced throughout the last seven years, he didn't expect this.

But here he was- David humming the Camp Campbell song, Max in the seat next to him, on the way to fucking Juilliard. Max didn't expect to get in. Especially not on a scholarship. But, again, here he was, going to college for creative writing.

Writing. Who was it that introduced him to it? Peter... Preston, he thought it was. Damn that was a long time ago. He met Preston at Camp Campbell when he was ten, the same year David had adopted him, but Preston had never shown up again. It made him sad every time he thought about it, although he was never sure why.

"Max?" David asked, pulling Max away from his thoughts.

"Huh?" He asked, having not heard a damn word David said.

"I said," David restarted in a singsong voice. "What are you planning on majoring in?"

Max was quiet for a minute before mumbling, "Creative writing."

"Writing?" David squealed a little. "You're gonna be a writer? That's wonderful!"

Max blushed, pulling on his hoodie stings until only his nose and a small bit of his floof could be seen.

David noticed Max's embarrassment and continued to fuel it in the typical 'David is trying to be a good dad' fashion. "Now that's nothing to be embarrassed of, Max. Writing is a wonderful way to not only pass time, but also vent about your feelings!"

Max wished he's shut up.


Preston sung along to the Beyonce on the radio, one hand out the window, the other on the steering wheel. The wind whipped his hair around his face.

He was going to college. To Juilliard, of all places! No questionable acting degrees for him, no sir. He was getting a degree at a place where professionals went. Obviously, he was aware of how little people got in, and how even less got in on a scholarship. But after the scouts saw his stunning performance at his school's play, he was able to get in, mostly-paid off.

He checked the time on his phone, open to the GPS. 12:46. He should be there at 1:11. He could barely contain his excitement. To think that, in a little more than half an hour, he'd be at the school of his fucking dreams.

His phone rang. He checked the caller ID before answering. Harrison's accented voice came out the other end. "Hi Preston!" He said once Preston had answered.

"Hello, Harrison!" He responded, putting his phone on speaker so he could focus on the road.

"How far out are you? Nerris and I are already on campus!" He said, laugh on the end.

Preston sighed dramatically. "I'm a little more than thirty minutes out. I should be there around one, I promise," Preston smiled. "How is it there?"

"Oh, it's hella awesome! Remember when I said that Nikki and Neil had moved to New York?"


"Well, Nerris told them that we were going here, and they came to see us!" There was a sound of mumbling on the other end, before he was- presumably- placed on speaker. Neil and the other's voices filtered through. "Hi, Preston." They said in somewhat of a unison.

"Hello good people!" Preston said from the other side. "I hope to see you all very soon! Do me a favor and maybe not have any parties without me?"

It was Neil who answered to that. "No promises to that or Harrison being able to walk when you get here." He heard Nikki and Nerris laugh and a gasp from Harrison.

"Neil-" He could literally hear Harrison's blush.

"What? It's not my fault you only visit once or twice a year."

Preston was laughing. "Please, at the very least, wait until I spend 30 minutes with my best friend before you impair his ability to walk."

"I'll think about it." There was a faint hitting sound, probably Harrison slapping Neil, who just laughed.

They talked for the next half-hour, before Preston said he was entering the city and said he had to go


Max stared wide-eyed at the school as David drove up to it. "Fuck, it's beautiful."

David didn't bother scolding Max for his language. "It is, isn't it?" He moved in front of the steps to the school, putting it into park before popping the trunk.

Max stepped out, stretching. David came around, handing him his duffel bag. Max stared at it, them him, before hugging his dad. He held it for a few seconds more than usual. Still not enough for David to hug back, but he smiled nonetheless.

Max took his bag.

David smiled. "Remember, text me-"

"Text you everyday, if I need anything Gwen is in the area, no drugs, no driving drunk, and if I insist on having sex, it's gotta be safe."

David beamed. "Very good!" Gwen already knows you're here, so you won't surprise her as much if you just randomly go over." He hugged Max quickly. "I'll miss ya kiddo. Have fun. Don't forget to visit."

Max nodded, admittedly a little sad that David had to go. He stood there, watching and waving as David's car pulled away from the school. He went inside, opening his phone and checking his email for details on where to sign in when-

"Ah!" He bumped into someone, who consequently spilled their drink over themselves. Max blushed, mortified. His first day at college and he was already making an idiot of himself. "God fucking shit... I'm sorry, I'm not usually this clumsy- Preston?"


Preston parked his car in the school parking lot, turning it off. He practically jumped out, grabbing his phone and Starbucks coffee that he got just before he arrived. He grabbed his suitcase from out the back. He took a deep breath of happiness, before slamming shut the trunk, grabbing his suitcase and going inside.

He spotted his suit-clad best friend almost immediately. He speed walked over, enveloping him in a hug, albeit very awkward.

"Preston!" Nerris exclaimed, lisp ever-present. She also went to give him a hug.

He wrapped his arms around her. "So is Harrison still able to walk?" He joked.

Harrison went red and Neil rolled his eyes. "Regrettably." He joked back, smiling.

"How was the drive, Pres?" Nikki asked. She messed with the end of her ponytail.

"It was so *fucking* long, Jesus- Ah!" He said, surprised when someone bumped into him, making him spill his coffee. He turned around to see a black-haired boy with dark skin cursing. He didn't recognize him until he looked up.


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