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Preston wrote another line in his thesis essay, quietly writing on his computer as Max threaded his fingers through his hair. He smiled as he felt Max press little kisses on his head, before pressing his cheek against it.

"Thanks for giving me a second chance, Pres." Max said quietly.

"I should be thanking you," Preston replied. "I was the one who ghosted you, babe."

He felt Max wrap his arms around him. "I love you, Preston. I meant what I said last night. I'll follow you anywhere."

Preston tilted his head up to kiss Max. "I love you too, Max. And I don't need you to go anywhere. Just stay with me."

A/N- Okay, y'all! That is it for Seven. I'm sorry these last few chapters were short (especially chapter 9, lol) I had ideas, but clearly no thoughts on how to thread them all together. But, overall, I am happy with this story. It's fucked, as it's my first chapter story THAT I'VE FINISHED, but I'm still pretty content on having it. I hope you all have enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I thank you all for all the support and kudos on this story. I love you all. *hugs*

If you have any other ideas for any other stories (Gonna keep it Camp Camp for now) feel free to share 'em! I feel like it'll be hard to think of ideas without your help now that Seven is finished.

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