Goddammit, Preston

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They had two weeks left for the project. Max was wracking his brain for ideas, completely out of ideas. Preston wasn't any help, distracting him with kisses every second he could. Max usually wouldn't complain, but considering that they only had two more weeks until this project was due, he couldn't exactly procrastinate.

Max checked the time on his phone. 8:06 pm. Preston should be here any minute now, and he wasn't any closer to having any ideas to share with his... Roommate. He wasn't quite sure if he was ready to call Preston his boyfriend.

Max put down his pencil, banging his head against the desk. Three fucking hours alone, no one to distract him, and he didn't have anything.

He heard a door open and close, but he didn't bother lifting his head. The door was locked, and only one other person had a room key.

"No ideas?" He heard Preston ask, along with a thump of him dropping his bag on the floor.

Max turned his head to look at the other boy. Preston was wearing all black today, sporting a black turtleneck, leggings, and boots. His short hair was in a small bun. Max was a fan of it like that, although he'd never admit to it. He watched as he walked over, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"C'mon, Max, you've been working too hard," Preston whined, dropping onto Max's bed. He patted the space next to him. "I haven't seen you all day. Let's talk."

"You mean make out until it's well past midnight?" Max deadpanned, sitting up and turning around to look at Preston, who simply rolled his eyes.

"No, Max," He said, sticking his tongue out. "I mean come talk to me."

Max smiled, standing up and falling on top of Preston, who fell back with an 'oof'. If Preston didn't plan on kissing his brains out, he was gonna do it.

Max started kissing Preston's face, who just smiled and laughed. Max pressing his lips against Preston's, who kissed back. He opened his mouth, flicking his tongue against Preston's bottom lip. He opened his mouth, letting Max do whatever. Preston's hands roamed around Max's back and chest, stopping everywhere they could.

They never went very far when they did this though. They'd kiss for a while, let hands go wherever for a while, then they'd cuddle for the rest of the night.

Max was tired of that shit.

He pulled away, causing Preston to whine a little. His eyes widened a little when Max pulled his sweater from over his head. Max straddled Preston, trying to take off the chest binder.


Preston had long forgotten that Max was trans. It never came up in conversation, and they had never gone far enough for it to be an issue. But as he watched Max unto the fasteners on the binder, he felt the overwhelming urge to remind Max exactly what he was doing.

"Max..." He said quietly.

Max looked up from what he was doing. "Hm?"

"Are... Are you sure about this? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, and- and I already know that you sleep around I-"

"You don't want to be another stain on my bed." Max finished.

"I wasn't going to phrase it like that. But, yes. If we were to... Do it, I'd want to it to mean something." Preston looked at the bed before making eye contact with Max.

Max bent down and kissed Preston, who kissed back. "I promise you, Pres, I want to do this."

Preston searched Max's eyes for any trace of regret. Then he sighed. "Okay. But tell me if you're not okay with something! This is about both of us, not just me. Promise?"

Max nodded. "I need verbal confirmation," Preston said, a serious tone to his voice.

"I promise," Max responded, kissing him one more time before going back to unfastening his binder.

Preston slid out from under Max, taking off his own clothes. He slid his black turtleneck over his head before tugging his leggings down and off his legs. He stole a glance at Max, who had gotten off to remove his own pants.

Fuck, he was hot. The was his breasts moved as he undid his pants, the curve of his back, the imprint of his ribs against his skin. His breath caught as Max removed his pants and boxers in one go.

The thing that caught his eyes were the bruises. The reds, purples, yellows of the bruises n Max's thighs. Then he noticed the other bruises on his hips, no doubt from when other boys had touched Max.

"Max," He started, forgetting that 1) he was supposed to be undressing, they were about to have sex for god's sake, and that 2) he wasn't supposed to let Max see that he was looking (even though he knew Max was probably aware) "When did you start hurting yourself again?"

Max froze, clearly having forgotten that he wasn't having having a one-night stand, where no one questioned anything on him. He looked away, avoiding eye contact with his boyfriend. Preston gently grabbed Max's cheeks, tilting his head and forcing him to make eye contact.

Max sighed. "I started when... I dunno, I guess when I realized that you wanted nothing to do with me."

Preston gently kissed Max, resting his forehead against Max's. His hands resided on the bruises on his hips, memories of past fucks. "I'm so sorry."

"Let's talk about it later, okay? It feels silly talking about this when we're both naked and semi-horny." Max said, pressing his lips lips against Preston's Adam's apple, eliciting a small moan from the boy.


Max truly did not want to talk about it later. But he saw that Preston was half-hard, and he was already wet. All Preston needed to let it drop was a promise of returning to it later, a kiss to the neck, and a hand on his thigh.

"You fall apart easy," Max snickered, walking his fingers up Preston's thigh, stopping shy of his boxers.

Preston blushed. "Shut up."

Max hadn't realized how pale Preston was, his blush spreading to his collarbone. He wasn't a bursting with muscle, but he was fairly built, not as much of a twig as he was when Max had last seen him at Camp Cambell.

He toyed with the band on Preston's boxers, slowly pulling them off of Preston.

And, well, you guys probably know what happens next.


Preston caught his breath for a minute before standing to get a tissue from the box off of Max's desk. He handed a few to Max, taking the condom off and throwing it into the trash before collapsing onto the bed once more.

Max smiled at Preston. "You're pretty good at that, Pres."

Preston kissed Max, tangling his hand in his boyfriend's hair. "To think that that was my first time as well."

Max's eyes widened. "What? I was your first time?"

Preston blushed again. "Yeah."

He laughed. "Well, you are definitely amazing at sex."

Preston cuddled against his boyfriend, kissing his collarbone before resting his head on Max's chest.

Max carded his hands through Preston's hair before he gasped.

"I know what the project should be about."

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