Imagine #4 - Duckie Dale

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Summary: You and Duckie get into a fight and miss each other dearly.

"Blane?! His name is Blane?! That's a major appliance not a name!!" You best friend since you were kids yells at you,
"Just cus I'm going out with Blane doesn't mean I can't be friends with you!! That doesn't change the way i feel about you!"
"That's very nice i'm glad, here's- here's the point y/n, i'm not particularly concerned whether you like me cus I live to like you and- and I cant like you anymore. So- so when you get your heart splattered all over hell and and your feeling low and dirty don't look to me to help you pump yourself back up because maybe for the first time in your life I won't be there!!"
He walks out on you mid sentence leaving you alone in the room.
You sit down into the closest chair letting out a few sobs when Blane comes in.
"Hey y/n you ok? I though I heard someone yelling"
"Yeah yeah I'm all good just needed some air, let go on that date shall we?"
The date was great but you were thinking about Duckie the whole time.
Once Blane drops you off at your house you run to your room, throwing things around, crying until you find a broken picture frame with your favorite picture if you and Duckie in it. You hold it close to your chest as you sob slowly going to lay down on your bed, drifting off into sleep.

Duckies POV:

I feel awful about yelling at y/n. I come back to apologize but I see them crying on the steps then Blane goes to take them off to their date.
*times skip*
I let myself into y/n's house with nothing but the key they gave me to get in.
I get to their room and start to feel hesitant about going in but I can't live without them, I need our friendship back.
I walk in to see their room messed up and torn apart and a tear stained face y/n sleeping holding a picture frame.
I slowly walk up to them and take the picture frame out of their hands, making sure I don't wake them up. It's a broken frame with y/n's favorite picture of us. My eyes start to water at the sight but I contain myself.
I find a piece of paper and write a note for them to wake up too.

Dear y/n,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for everything i've ever done to hurt you. You can go out with Blane that's not my place to tell you what to do but just so you know, Im always here and I will always be there for you no matter what.
~Sincerely, Duckie.

Back to Third Person:

You wake up to see a note on your desk from Duckie. You decide to write him back in the same piece of paper.

Dear Duckie,
No. Don't apologize, Im sorry. The date with Blane was ok but it wasn't you. You are the one i'm in love with, not Blane not anyone. I really miss you and I hope you can still be my best friend and maybe something more?... If you don't I totally understand I just would love if you could forgive me because I cant live without you. Your the sunshine of my day, you always know how to make me smile, you're my favorite person in the world. I hate fighting with you, I always feel like a piece of me is missing. I love you Duckie Dale.
~Love, y/n.

You walk yourself to Duckies place with the letter in hand hoping to get you best friend back. You knock on the door and when Duckie answers it you hand him the letter, both of you still not speaking a word.
Once done reading the words, he looks up to you with tears and walking into his house. You start to walk away expecting him not to come back, once you get half way down the side walk you feel a tap on your shoulder and see a sad Duckie holding the same piece of paper to you.

I forgive you.

"I-I love you too y/n"
When you look up to him, realizing how close your faces were, your eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips. You lean in to capture his lips onto yours, he places his hands on your waist and yours on his neck. After a few seconds you have to pull away for air (breathing🙄 ikr who needs it).
"I missed you y/n" Duckie says pulling you into a hug,
"I missed you too"
"Hey how bout we watch some movies? I got your favoriteeeee"
"ok ok fine" You kiss him on the cheek and you guys cuddle, 'watch movies' more like staring at each other or making out.., till you fall asleep.

{829 words}

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