Imagine #6- Brand Walsh

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Warnings: Mentions of ED and body dysphoriaSummary: Brand is overworking himself and doesn't like the way he looks

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Warnings: Mentions of ED and body dysphoria
Summary: Brand is overworking himself and doesn't like the way he looks.

One of Brands favorite things to do was work out. He was always doing something to keep his body in better shape.
After a while you started to get worried as Brand was working out non stop and was getting skinnier.
One day you decided to go your boyfriends house after school to see if he wanted to hang out.
When you got there he was sitting on his chair stretching out his arms and he seemed to be very focused.
"Hey Babe"
You try to talk to him but all you get back is a muttered "hey"
You come up behind him and start to trail slow sloppy kisses down his neck to distract him but that doesn't seem to work even though he loves it.
"y/n can you stop i'm trying to focus" he says coming off a little angrier then intended,
"ok Brand what is going on you've been working out non-stop, you look like casper the ghost and I haven't seen you eat something in days!!" you confront him as he finally gets up from the chair to talk to you.
"I don't know what your talking about!! What's wrong with a guy just wanting to work out?? And I just had some cake from Mikeys birthday earlier!"
"This isn't 'a guy wanting to work out' this is called an eating disorder Brand!! When your overly working out and skipping meals to make your body look better but it's slowly but surly hurting you!!"
He looks up at you with tears threatening to spill out. Brand always tried to look tough in front of you and never cried so seeing him crying and hurting himself killed you inside.
"I'm so sorry y/n"
He breaks down onto the ground, you run to him and hold him on your chest as he cries into you.
"I just want to be perfect for you, you know?"
"hey your already perfect!"
"No i'm not y/n!! Why cant you see that there are so many other people better than me, smarter than me, skinnier than me, funnier than me, nicer than-"
"Brandon Walsh stop it right there!! You don't need to be any of those things to be the best boyfriend!! You already are the best boyfriend I could ask for and you perfect in my mind I don't care what society says!! You, Brandon Walsh, are the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I know eating disorders are hard to get though but i'll help you okay!"
"o-okay" he stutters into ur neck while nodding his head,
"thanks y/n."
"of course babe. Now do you want to try to eat some pizza and watch a movie?"
"I'll try"
You guys order a pizza and decide to watch The Breakfast Club. Once the pizza arrived you could see Brand starting to get nervous.
"Hey calm down ok? Your gonna be ok. Now, can you take a bite for me?" you ask him holding up the pizza to his mouth.
"i guess"
He takes a few more bites after that as you help him through it.
"Good job babe! I'm so proud of you!!"
Hearing those words of support made him smile to himself as you cuddled him in you lap.

{568 words}

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