Imagine #7 - Duckie Dale

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You stare down at the two red lines screaming at you.
How could this happen, you were so careful?
What would Duckie say? I mean you guys are still in high school! He would never leave you. Right?


You're in your bathroom holding the test when you hear a knock on my front door. You slide the test in your pocket before going out to open the door knowing it would probably be Duckie. You open the door to your adorable boyfriend leaning on the side of the doorframe waiting for you to open it.
"Hello beautiful" he says pulling you in for a short peck on the cheek,
"Hey Duckie"
"why so glooming? Did I do something? I don't recall anything but if I did something I'm sorry I'll do anything!" Duckie panics while you stand there looking at him,
"Duckie you didn't do anything, just a bad day I guess" You think back to the two red lines. How would you tell Duckie?
"Well now I'm here so now you won't have to suffer alone. Do you want to talk about it?" He asks you bringing you to the couch where you are facing each other.
You start to feel tear well up in your eyes, Duckie pulls you into a tight hug and hold you until you calm down whispering sweet things into your hair like 'you're gonna be ok' and 'don't cry baby'.
You pulls away from his embrace with a red face and puffy eyes.
"You know you're still the most beautiful person i've ever seen even when your crying?" He says, staring at you in awe.
"Thanks Duckie, but I need to talk to you."
"oh no your not breaking up with me are you? I love you so much y/n/n please let me off ea-"
"I'm not breaking up with you Duckie!!"
"oh thanks god" you laugh at his little reaction if relief and hugs you protectively with his head on your shoulders.
"Duckie I'm sorry" you sob, as Duckie holds you again, kissing your neck to show that he's here for you.
"For what y/n?"
You pull the test out from your pocket and hand it to Duckie who has now detached himself from you.
You look down at your hands waiting for his response nervously as he stares at the test.
"I'm gonna be a dad?" He looks up at you with tears of joy in his eyes as you nod your head yes.
He pulls you in for the tightest hug he has ever given you and puts one of his hands on your stomach, looking up at you with the biggest smile on his face.
"I'm so glad your okay with this. I guess I was just scared you would freak out and leave me alone." you admit to him,
"y/n I would never leave you, I know this may be hard, but we will get through this together. I mean, thinking that you want to keep it. I never asked you I mean it's your body so you choose is you want it or not." (isn't he the sweetest)
"yes Duckie I wanna keep it"
You hear him mutter and quiet 'yesss' before coming back to holding you in his arms.
"You're gonna be best mom ever I know it." Is the last thing you hear before falling asleep in your boyfriends arms.

{569 words}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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