Chapter 13

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Haruto POV

Jihoon Hyung and Hyunsuk Hyung stared at me as I sat in front of them in the first floor living room. I haven't say any words for the past thirty minutes. By now most of the boys already awake and join us in the sofa, looking frustrated over my silence.

"Just say what you want to say." Said Yoshi Hyung on my side. His eyes telling me I should trust him, or them in this case.

I told them I need to go back to Seoul today and heads off to Japan, I received a death glare especially from Mashiho Hyung and Doyoung. I wish the heat I received from them would cover the coldness I feel from the thought of me going there to see the person that I hate.

"You really have to go after what happened last night?! Like now?!" Doyoung suddenly tensed up. Hyunsuk Hyung signaled Doyoung to toned down.

"No Hyung, Doyoung was right." Mashiho Hyung complaining on the way Hyunsuk Hyung tried to stop Doyoung from being angry at me. "After what he did to Junkyu Hyung, he should stay instead of leaving him."

He was right, I could wait for another one or two days but I'm no longer trust myself. It's obvious how I can't control my anger and my emotion since we arrived here.

"You should see his face last night! After what he prepared for you, you throw shit to his face!" Mashiho Hyung shouted. He throw a bunch of pictures that he took secretly on the table.

I don't know if its possible for me to look paler than I already look, but I did. "I-I don't know all this." I stuttered, flipping all the pictures back and forth. Never in my life I ever thought someone would prepare all these for me. The amount of effort he gave for me was overwhelming to the point its hurting me. It should be a perfect night for us and I ruined it.

"Now you know!" He yelled. "Could you imagine how embarrassed he was being stood up in front of his own employees?!"

"Mashiho, calm down." Said Jihoon Hyung. No, I deserved every anger he could throw at me.

"I can't! You know how he hate working for his dad Hyung, yet he did it!" Said Mashiho Hyung to Jihoon Hyung before looking back at me. "You know what for Haruto?! For this!" He throw an envelope.

Yoshi Hyung took the envelope and check the documents inside. His jaw dropped and handed them to Hyunsuk Hyung who showed us the same reaction as he read the papers.

Hyunsuk Hyung gave me the documents. It has long and complicated words that I can't really understand. My mind went blank when I read a line with my name on it along with few other lines that I recognized as my demos title.

"Legal agreement for Junkyu's record label to use and distribute Haruto song." Yoshi Hyung explained to few confused face. "You might want to read this also Ruto." He gave me a card that was inside the envelope.

Ruto-yaa, sorry I stole your demos and send them to my Dad, I just want to show to everyone how awesome you are. And this is the solid proof.

I hope you can feel proud of yourself, just like how I'm proud of you.

This isn't much but I will try to make you happy everyday.

I have the best boyfriend in the whole world!

Everything that he wrote seems surreal for me. Proud. The first time I heard someone say proud to me was his dad and now from him. How come he could proud of someone like me. All I did to him was hurting him. He really trying so hard to drive me crazy with everything that did to me.

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