Chapter 19

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Junkyu POV

Being an obedient boyfriend that I am, I spent my day browsing on online and offline business courses that I might gonna spend the next couple of months with. I was slouching on the couch with an open laptop on my lap when I heard beeping sound from front door security lock. I didn't bother to looked up to, knowing it must be Park Jihoon.

And I was right. "KIM JUNKYUU!" Jihoon shouted from the doorway. He came in and sat down next to me.

"What are you doing?" He asked, glancing to the screen.

"Just browsing random stuff." I said, unbothered.

"Yoshi and Haruto?"

"They have classes today." I answered. He let out a sigh. I closed my laptop and turned to look at him. "What's wrong with you?"

He pushed my back and slide in behind, laying down on his side. "I need cuddle." He said, making a V shaped with his arms asking me to get inside.

I rolled my eyes and protested but still slide in so he can spoon me. It's been a while since the last time he came to my place just for cuddle. I turned on the tv so we can watch something.

Just like how I need his shoulder whenever I feel shitty, Jihoon would come and ask for cuddle when he felt sad or stressed out. Of course I'm going to ask for a treat after.

"Should we move back to Busan?" He mumbled against my back.

"Hmm.." I hummed because he doesn't need a yes or no for that question. It wasn't the first time I heard suggestion like this from him.

"Don't you think we were happier in Busan?" He asked. I hummed again. "If we were still in Busan you won't meet Mashiho and Haruto, you won't have your nightmare." He added.

"But you won't meet Hyunsuk Hyung also." I chuckled.

"Right. Isn't it better though? It will be just us, I don't need to think about anyone else but you." He said. Okay, that's weird.

"Ya! What's wrong with you really?" I shifted, laying on my back, turning my head to look at him.

"Nothing. I'm sorry." He sighed. He bury his face on my shoulder. "Remember there was a time where an anonymous sent you a love letter daily but suddenly the letter stopped coming?" He asked. I nodded. I remember every morning when I open my locker at school I always found a love letter. That happened for a month. We believe it was from the same person.

"I found the guy who sent you those letters, I threatened him and he stopped sending you letter after that." He informed me. What? He never told me about it. I glared at him.

He chuckled when he saw me glaring at him. "In 11th grade, there was this girl that you really like, you asked her to go with you for a date but she didn't came? That was my doing also. I stopped her from coming."

"Ya! Park Jihoon! Why you did that?!" I yelled. Damn! I'm annoyed now. "What else did you hide from me?" I asked him in demanding tone.

"I'm sorry Kyu, there was a lot actually, from middle school until our freshman year. I thought what I did was to protect you. I didn't want those people to hurt you." He said. He pulled me closer. "But now I realized I was wrong. You were too pure and naïve, I didn't let you grow on your own. If I had let you experienced all those puppy love, if I had let you learnt what pain was, you'll be a stronger person now, you won't fell to a deep pit."

Jihoon cried on my shoulder, his hand gripped my waist tightly. He made me speechless. I wanted to be angry at him, heck he hide all those from me for years! But I can't be mad at him, I knew his love for me blinded him.

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