ChloePOV: Cheese & Credit Cards

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Focusing on the work helped Chloe not to think about the fact that the Devil was babysitting his Goddess mother at the Lux penthouse right now. She knew just thinking such things should have felt strange, but it was feeling more and more normal every day.

Finding the maid's body didn't really gain her enough new information to have anything to report to Lucifer. All Ella could get off the waterlogged cell phone was a serial number which told them the phone had been bought by a law firm. Chloe decided to take the cell phone and shoe of the woman Lucifer's mother was inhabiting to the law firm, which she presumed was her place of work, to try and gain more information.

It was here that Chloe discovered the woman's name: Charlotte Richards. It turned out not only did she work here but she owned the law firm. Thanks to an interview with Charlotte's lover Chloe got the reason she needed to dispel Dan's theory about the murder being an affair gone wrong. Though she rather enjoyed proving him wrong, she had to admit that if given the limited evidence Dan had, she'd have come to the same conclusion.

A little more digging into this Charlotte Richards led Chloe to find out that not only did this woman have a lover but she was also married. Interviewing the husband however proved rather pointless. He hadn't left the house for days because his kids were all home with the flu. He was able to tell her that the first victim had delivered a package to Charlotte last week for some sort of work thing.

It was strange learning about the life of the woman whose body was being used by Lucifer's mom. After all, Charlotte Richards was dead, but no one would know that with the goddess walking around in her skin. Chloe couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of mental and emotional damage that would do to a human, assuming Charlotte was still in there somewhere. Then again, maybe Charlotte was already gone and her body was just an empty shell. It seemed so wrong to let all the people in her life go on believing that she was okay, but Chloe didn't have a choice. After all, what could she tell them? No one in their right mind would believe Charlotte's body had been taken over by a Goddess.

Chloe was just starting to think it was time to fill Lucifer in when - with his usually creepy timing - the Devil called her right as she was thinking of him.

"Your mother's still driving you mad, I take it?" Chloe said by way of greeting.

"Lucky guess," Lucifer replied.

"Oh alright, I'm on my way," Chloe said with a sigh. She had planned to fill Lucifer in on the case so far anyway and maybe bouncing ideas off him would help her figure out what she'd missed.

When Chloe stepped off the elevator of Lucifer's penthouse she heard raised voices. It sounded like Lucifer was refusing to give his mother a credit card. Chloe had to fight back a chuckle.

"But, son, I must find the strange gooey substance from the flatscreen," the Goddess in Charlotte Richard's body said.

"I don't even want to know what you are talking about," Lucifer's voice replied. "But you are not leaving here until I know if you are set to cause carnage or not."

Chloe decided it was time to make herself known. She walked a little farther into the door and cleared her throat.

"You have no idea how relieved I am to see you, Detective," Lucifer said as he turned to look at her. "What's the verdict? Does she go back to hell, or not?"

"Well, nothing so far leads to her being the cause of any human deaths," Chloe answered. "Charlotte Richard, the body she's in now, was killed in that hotel room along with two other people."

"See! What did I tell you?" the goddess pitched in. "I just woke up in that mess. It had nothing to do with me."

"I still haven't figured out who the killer is, but I think the need for babysitting has passed," Chloe said. "We are at a stand still with the case, and I could use a fresh pair of eyes."

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