ChloePOV: Welcome Poison

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Chloe didn't know what to think. Lucifer didn't seem to care that she was the one and only weakness he had. That he was completely immortal except in her presence. Chloe Decker: the only way to kill the devil, and Lucifer just shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal. So not only was the devil constantly hanging around her and saving her life but he was also doing it in a weakened state caused by her. It was becoming harder and harder to believe that she herself was just a normal person. These kinds of things didn't happen to normal people. Normal people didn't captivate and hold the devil's attention. Normal people haven't seen proof of divinity, and what type of normal person causes the devil to become human anyway? Maybe Lucifer wasn't the strange one. After all, he was older than anything on earth. Maybe it was her. Maybe she was the freak.

By the time she got the call from the hospital, Chloe was so relieved to have anything else to focus on she jumped at the chance to get back on the case. It turned out Eric had been released just hours after arriving with the promise of home care. It seemed the rich had mini hospitals in their mansions. It hardly mattered though. Chloe showed up and asked her questions. She learned Dean Cooper had run the business into the ground and left nothing for his son but debt. Eric had just been trying to sell stuff off to save the company. The new owner of Lux, Elenor Bloom, seemed like her next suspect as the deal had been on pause for years until Dean Cooper's death. Chloe thought about calling Lucifer in, but decided against it. After all, the devil was safe so long as she wasn't around.

Interviewing Bloom didn't lead Chloe anywhere. Not only did she have an alibi but she seemed all together too likely to get revenge within the law than outside of it. Chloe did learn one thing. Dean Cooper was making large off the books payments to someone and hiding it from his company. It was the only lead she had, so Chloe decided to follow up on it. She got to work tracing the payments.

She'd tracked it down to a guy who called himself a 'professional tempter' and was in the middle of interviewing him when Dan interrupted her to tell her there was an illegal party at Lux. Clearly Dan expected her to deal with this, but that would mean seeing Lucifer and making him able to bleed. Maybe she shouldn't think that every time.

"I'm kinda busy here," Chloe said when Dan pulled her out of her interrogation. "I'll get to the party later."

"I have to send someone," Dan replied. "If not you, then it's just gonna be a shut down team. I thought you'd want to be involved is all."

"I do," Chloe said, and to her surprise she wasn't lying. Despite feeling like she suddenly had a toxic label stamped to her forehead, Chloe wanted to be there to help Lucifer save his home.

She handed Dan the file on this guy and asked Dan to finish questioning him. "See if you can get him to admit who he was tempting."

Dan agreed and Chloe headed out. She wasn't totally sure what she was going to say when she got there. After the way she'd acted earlier it felt so awkward coming back. Had she worked this all up in her head to be more than it was? Maybe it didn't matter. Maybe like Lucifer said it was just the facts and they didn't need to worry about it.

Even so, she couldn't help wondering what counted as near. When she parked the car outside Lux, was she close enough to affect Lucifer then? Or did he need to know she was there for it to work? How exactly did it work anyway?

Walking into the club with the rest of her team, Chloe tried to put those thoughts out of her head. She heard the devil's voice as he noticed the officers.

"Stormtroopers have arrived everyone," Lucifer called out. Then he was walking towards them. Chloe couldn't help but look for signs on him, signs that he was no longer an immortal because she was close to him. Chloe couldn't see any.

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