ChloePOV: Trick or Treat

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Thanks to some new HIPAA laws it was going to take longer than usual to get the warrants they needed. Waiting for warrants was her least favourite part of the job. Chloe hated waiting around when she had a lead. She'd figured out how the two victims were connected and now it was just a matter of looking up records that could have taken moments, but instead it was going to take days while they waited for a judge to sign off on their release. She'd called the lieutenant and gotten the warrants expedited, but that still meant waiting till tomorrow.

Chloe had let Lucifer go home. Even if his hand wasn't injured she'd felt he needed to cool off after the wall punching incident at the precinct. What the Devil needed more than space was to talk about his feelings, but Chloe thought hell might freeze over first. She hoped he'd consider talking to Linda though she also worried about what Linda finding out the truth could mean for her mental health. Sometimes Chloe had to work hard not to think about Lucifer's actually being the devil meant heaven and hell actually existed. She'd quite preferred it when the afterlife was a mystery.

The one good thing about the delay in the case was that Chloe got to go trick-or-treating with her daughter.

They'd lived in the new apartment for a while now, but Chloe still hadn't decided if she was going to ask Maze to move in or not. Chloe had moved past her first gut reaction of Maze being dangerous because she was a demon. Chloe trusted Lucifer - it was strange but somehow true - and that meant she could trust Maze at least to the extent of not being an evil demon the way Lucifer wasn't an evil devil. The issue with asking Maze to be her roommate was more of a personality type problem. Did demons even know how to do dishes? Would Maze's presence mean Trixie was exposed to anything creepy?

Chloe knew she'd have to decide soon since rent was coming due and paying it all on her own wasn't going to work for long. This was a two-income apartment. Chloe was single aka a roommate was her best option unless she wanted to move again into a worse place.

"What do you think of Maze?" Chloe asked her daughter. It was, after all, Trixies apartment too and she deserved a say in who lived here with them.

"I like her," Trixie said.

"'Want her around alot' kinda like her or just in the 'she seems nice' kinda way?" Chloe asked for clarification.

"In the 'I bet she wouldn't have dressed me up like a princess' kinda way," Trixie said with her arms folded over her chest.

"You love princesses," Chloe beamed.

"When I was seven!" Trixie whined.

Chloe sighed. Keeping up with her daughter's constantly changing interests was sometimes more than she could handle.

"I doubt the stores have many costumes left this late," Chloe said. "What if you went as a princess today and then next halloween you can have total control over your costume. Deal?"

"Deal," Trixie replied. "On one condition."

"Name it," Chloe said.

"We invite Maze to come with us," Trixie said.

"In a year?" Chloe replied. "That seems a bit in advance-"

"No silly," Trixie giggled at her mother. "Tonight for trick-or-treating."

"Oh ah yeah sure monkey," Chloe said, a bit surprised by such a request. "We can do that." As she spoke Chloe got out her phone and went into her contacts to call Maze.

After Maze's 'sup' greeting Chloe extended the invitation. She'd honestly expected to be turned down, but to her surprise Maze was on board with Trixie's plan.

"Sounds like fun," Maze replied. "When do we start?"

"Around three," Chloe said.

"Awesome, all the best afterparties don't start till three."

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