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Heya beautiful people!

Chapter Start

Lunch time~

Smiley's pov:

Me and my lil' bro were just casually walking our way to the cafeteria after hours of boring and sleep-inducing lectures. 'They should seriously consider sleeping as a subject. If those exist, I won't ever f*cking skip a single class.' I thought as we walk.

"Aniki, what would you get for lunch?" Angry ask me.

I look at him beside me and answered, "I wanna eat some chicken kaarage."

Then I heard Angry made a delighted angry sound and he said, "Ah! They have those?", with his eyebrows knitted together.

"I dunno." I shrug. "How 'bout you, Angry?" I ask him.

"I'll get— Ah!" I heard my lil' bro got cut off his words. 'Hm?' I look at him who was roughly shove to the floor by some running idiots.

"Hey! You f*ckers!" I shouted as I began cracking my knuckles. I saw them slow down and look back at us.

"Hah? What do you want?!" Idiot 1 said as they walk back towards us.

"How dare you push my lil' bro? Haha." I stated as I also walk towards them. A vein mark appearing on my face.

"Aniki, stop..." Angry tried pulling my arm but that won't stop me from beating these f*ckers up.

"So, what? Is he gonna cry after his mama?" Idiot 2 mockingly said.

'That's it. They are dead.' I thought before I suddenly run towards them and punch idiot 2 on his face causing him to land on his butt on the floor. "Strike 1! Yay!" I cheered as I raise my arms above my head.

"Hahaha." I laugh as idiot 1 swing a punch towards me from behind to which I dodge. I then quickly turn around and gave him an uppercut. "Strike 2! Haha."

I heard idiot 1 and 2 groaning in pain on the ground while idiot 3 and 4 started attacking me from both sides.

From the corner of my eye, I see my lil' bro covering his face with both hands but his eyes are peaking in between his middle and ring finger.

I held both of my fists in front of me as I dodge idiot 4's punch before I punch him directly knocking him down. "Strike 3! Yay! Haha."

"Aniki, look out!" I heard Angry yelled as idiot 4 tried to punch me from behind as I was cheering. I leaned my body towards the left just narrowly dodging his fist as he lost his momentum and landed face first on the ground. "Huh? You really are an idiot! Hahaha." I laugh at him.

Then I look at idiot 5. He's the one who shove Angry earlier... I think. I notice him cowering as I slowly walk towards him. "You're the the one who shove my lil' bro, right?" I stated while cracking my knuckles.

"!" I did not let him finish. I punch him hard on his nose hearing the satisfying crack of a bone breaking. "Aaahhhh!!" He screamed in pain as blood continuously drip out his broken nose.

"Raaaahhhh!!" I then heard someone shout from behind. I look and saw idiot 2 angrily charging towards me with his fist. I dodge his punches and once I saw an opening, I punch his stomach then his face. He landed on his back as I sit on his stomach and punch his face repeatedly. "Die! Yay! Murder! Yay!" I chanted.

While I was punching idiot 2, a loud yell suddenly came from the side. "HEY!!"

I stop my punches and look at where I heard that shout. I then saw a professor coming towards our direction. "Well sh*t. Haha." I said when I saw him. I gave one last punch on idiot 2's face before getting off him.

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