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Did you wait long? I'm sorry✌️.

It's a long chapter btw! Yay!

Let's go!

Chapter Start

Next Morning~

Smiley's pov:

Me and my lil' bro were now walking on our way to school with Angry mumbling something beside me.

"Oi, Angry. Stop mumbling already!" I told him as an irk mark appeared on my cheek. This guy's been mumbling since we left the house this morning! And it's getting on my nerves now.

"But Aniki, it's unfair!" Angry shouted with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Ha? What's unfair?" I ask him.

"You're in detention, while I'm not!" He complained.

"Yeah? I thought you don't like detention?" I ask him.

"Hah?! I though you were the one who did not like detention." Angry pointed his index finger at me accusingly with his angry face.

"I never said that. Hahaha." I rebutted him as I place him in a headlock.

"Ahh! Aniki, stop!" Angry yelled as he struggled to free himself from my hold.

"No. Not unless you tell me that I did not say that, you lil' sh*t." I said.

"Never!" He shouted. "You wanted to skip detention yesterday because you don't like it!" He continued as he struggled while trying to get my arm off of him.

Then, I felt him bite my hand and I release him immediately. "What the hell?! That's disgusting!" I said as I wipe his saliva on his uniform with him dodging my hand.

"Serves you right! Bleh~" He said as he stick his tongue towards me with his eyes squinted close. Then he ran away from me.

"You lil' sh*t. Hey!" I muttered before I ran after him shouting. "Come back here!"

I saw Angry look back before he shouted, "Aahh! Don't come near me, Aniki!"

"Angry, look where you're going!" I yelled at him when I saw he's about to collide with someone.

"Wha-!?" And... he collided with someone as they fell on the ground right in front of our school gate.

'Sigh~ that damn brat. I told him to look out' I thought as I jog near them. 'But that was funny! Haha.'

"Hahaha." I laugh at Angry's bad luck as soon as I stood behind them. "Angry, you idiot! Hahaha."

"Oww..." I heard Angry and that person groaning in pain as they sat up rubbing their heads.

I look at the one Angry bump into and, "Huh? Y/n-chan?", discovered that it was y/n-chan.

1st pov:

I was peacefully walking my way to that dreaded school minding my own business while listing to music with my earphones on.

Then, as I was about to enter the school gates, someone collided with me causing us both to fall on the ground. 'So heavy.' I thought as that someone just landed on my back.

I then heard a some what familiar voice approaching us laughing at... this guy?

We both groaned in pain and felt him get off my back. I began to sit up when I heard a confuse voice calling my name from behind. "Huh? Y/n-chan?"

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