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I really don't know what I wrote...

Read at your own risk.

Got an announcement after the chapter...


Chapter Start


3rd pov:

Smiley stop his motorcycle in front of Y/n's front gate. He prop one foot on the ground before pulling his phone out his pocket and called the other.

Ring~ ring~

"Hey, Y/n-chan! I'm at your front gate, are you ready?" Smiley said once his call was picked up.

{"Oh, Smiley-kun! Wait just a bit I'll just get my bag."} Y/n answered as she hurriedly put her keys, wallet and other necessary stuffs in her bag before wearing her shoes.

"Alright. See ya." Smiley said before ending the call.

He leaned on his bike while playing on his phone as he wait for Y/n to come. Then, he received a message from his twin.

[Aniki. Mom is asking where you're going.] He read Angry's text.

[Amusement Park.] Was Smiley's reply before he heard Y/n's front gate opened with Y/n exiting.

He look up from his phone to see Y/n before a faint blush could be seen dusting his cheeks. He look at what she's wearing and couldn't stop thinking, 'Beautiful.'

He fought back his blush before clearing his throat and he said, "Took ya long enough." While grinning.

"It's not that long, Smiley-kun." Y/n said as she walk towards the boy after she finished closing her gates.

"Here. Wear this." Smiley said while passing her a helmet.

"Thanks." Y/n said while fumbling with the helmet's lock.

Seeing this, Smiley smiled as he stretch his arm towards her. "This is how you do it." He said as their fingers touched when Smiley help her fasten her helmet as Y/n look at him.

"There. All done." Smiley said before looking at Y/n's eyes. "Hop on, Y/n-chan." He said breaking the eye contact. (A/N: How did they even have eye contact? Smiley's eyes are always close🤡)

"Oh! Right." Y/n said, breaking out from her thoughts. She sit behind Smiley and circled her arms around his waist.

"Let's goo!! Hahaha." Smiley cheerfully said as he drive off.

"W-wait! Not so fast, Smiley-kun!! Ahh!" Y/n shouted when Smiley suddenly drive off. Her grip tightening around him when she almost fall off, holding for her dear life.

"Hahaha. Relax, Y/n-chan. I wouldn't let you fall!" Smiley said. He then turn his head to look at y/n and continued, "Though I wouldn't mind you falling for me!" Then he grin.

"W-wha...?" Y/n could only utter. She could already feel her face getting hotter. As her heart bit palpitated a little quicker.

"Ahh! Smiley-kun, Slow down!!" Y/n recovered from her shock when Smiley made a quick turn causing her to hold on to him more.

"Hahaha. Like this?" Smiley said before going faster.

"No, you idiot!! I said SLOWER!! NOT ACCELERATE!!" Y/n shouted when Smiley continued to bypass other cars.

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