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Guinevere's POV

It's lucky it's the weekend. I had breakfast with the girls. I leave to go to the library, when Lily drags me into an empty classroom. "You weren't in bed last night" she states. "You went into the forest again didn't you?" she asks me.

"No, I went out skirts of Hogsmeade" I tell her. "Look I have to meet the boys in the library. Remus is helping us with our DADA essay" I state.

"Fine, but no more full moon excursions. I don't want you to get hurt" she tells me.

"I won't be hurt, I can handle myself. Even as Trixie" I tell her with a smile. "See you at lunch" I add before leaving. Heading for the library.

When I arrive I see the maraurders already there pouring over books. "Any luck?" I ask them.

"None so far" James states.

"They all talk about how to identify a werewolf and how one is infected. How to treat werewolf inflicted wounds" Remus says.

"Nothing about mates" Sirius states.

"Have you tried the newest book on werewolves?" I ask them.

"What book?" Peter squeaks.

"Honestly, do I have to do everything?" I grumble. I go over to librarian. "Excuse me Monsieur, do you have the latest book on werewolves by the anonymous author?" I ask him.

"Are you talking about Hairy Snout, Human Heart?" he asks me.

"Yes, do you have it?" I ask him.

"We just got several copies, I have not unpacked them yet. One moment" he says before leaving.

"I haven't heard of that book" Remus states startling me. "Sorry" he says.

"It's fine" I assure him giving him a smile. I can' seem to help but smile when he's around. He returns looking happy also.

"So this book, what is it about?" he asks me.

"It's about a wizards struggle with lycanthropy, even though the author is anonymous. People say he is a werewolf. It should give us a non-biased version of being a werewolf. It may have more about a werewolves nature in it. Like pack life, mates and much more. But I haven't read it, as I said it's new. It only came out before Halloween" I tell him.

"Well it sounds promising" he states as the librarian returns with a book.

"Here you go, do you wish to burrow it?" he asks me. I nod my head. He stamps it, before handing it to me. "You have one week to return it" he states. I nod my head and return to the others with Remus.

"What's that?" James and Peter ask.

"A book on a wizard's struggle with lycanthropy" I state as I sit down. I open it and look at the content page. "Here it is Werewolf Mate page 23" I say and turn to it. They al gather around me as we read it together.

A person with whom you have an immediate
connection the moment you meet. A
connection so strong that you are drawn to
them in a way that you have never experienced
before. As this connection develops over time,
you experience a love so deep, strong and
complex, that you begin to doubt that you
have ever truly loved anyone prior. Your
soulmate understands and connects with you
in every way and on every level, which brings
a sense of peace, calmness and happiness
when you are around them. And when you are
not around them, you are all that much more
aware of the harshness of life, and how
bonding with another person in this way is the
most significant and satisfying thing you will
experience in your lifetime. You are also all
that much aware of the beauty in life, because
you have been given a great gift and will
always be thankful.

Finding my soulmate was the best thing that has
ever happened to me; I have never felt this
kind of love and understanding. We connect in
so many ways, it astounds me.

"So a mate is a soulmate?" Peter squeaks.

"Should we give you two some privacy to strengthen your bond. Or can we watch?" Sirius asks Remus and I. James whacks him in the back of his head.

"I think Remus and Guinevere need to talk" James states. He drags Sirius out of the library with Peter following them.

"Well that answers that question" I state closing the book.

"That's it?" Remus asks me and I look at him confused. "This means you're stuck with a werewolf for a life partner. How can you be ok with that?" he asks.

"Remus, I've told you already I don't care about your furry little problem" I remind him. "You're cute, smart, funny and everything I've wanted in a life partner" I tell him. He goes to protest and I peck him on the lips. "Enough, you're perfect in my eyes Remus. Nothing you say or do will change that" I tell him.

"I feel the connection he talked about. I felt so at peace last night with you by my side. I can't help but smile when I'm around you. You calm Moony more then the others have" he tells me.

"Proof we're soulmates" I say with a smile. "But I know you haven't dated before and neither have I. So we'll take things slow, get to know each other" I tell him.

"Sounds good, but what are we?" he asks me.

"At the moment friends, but soon we'll be a couple. But only if it's what we both want" I tell him. "Now lets get to know each other. Only things I really know about you, is you're smart, good at DADA and have a furry little problem" I state. "What's your family like?" I ask him.

"Mum's a muggle, I grew up in the muggle world. My father was an employee of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He got on the wrong side of Fenrir Greyback and I was bite. I was only four and a few weeks away from my fifth birthday" he tells me. "I have no siblings" he states.

"I'm sorry that happened to you" I tell him as I hold his hand. "I have a mother, father and two brothers. One of my brothers is married and has two sons" I state. "I'm going to see them over Christmas break, would you like to meet them?" I ask him.

"Only if you want to meet my parents" he tells me.

"I'd love to meet them" I tell him. "Do you want to go for a walk before lunch?" I ask him. He nods his head I put the book in my bag. We leave the library still holding hands. We continue to talk as we walk around the castle.


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