Lupin Family

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Remus' POV

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Remus' POV

I'd just finished getting Guinevere's room ready. It's next to mine. She'll be spending the rest of winter break with my family and I. As her parents are going away on a business trip. I look at the time, she should be arriving soon with her mother. I head to the kitchen to see mum making lunch. "Where's dad?" I ask her.

"In his office, honestly I told him no work over your school break" she grumbles.

"It's fine mum" I assure her.

"So who was coming over? James? Sirius? Or Peter?" she asks me.

"None of them" I tell her and she looks at me confused. "It's a new friend, well I hope she'll be my girlfriend soon. Her name is Guinevere Weasley and she's in my year" I tell her blush.

"Oh my little boy is growing up" she gushes giving me a hug. "Does she know?" she asks me.

"Yes and she doesn't care" I tell her and she smiles happily. Just then we hear someone use the floo network. "That must be her!" I cheer and race to the living room.

Guinevere's POV

"Remind me again why we couldn't apparate?" mum asks me.

"It's more fun this way" I tell her as I dust myself off. Suddenly I'm enveloped in a hug. "Remus!" I cheer and hug him tightly.

"I'm so glad you made it Guinevere" he tells me smiling as we pull away.

"So am I" I tell him.

"Morning Mrs Weasley" he says to my mum.

"Remember, it's Ella dear" she reminds him and gives him a hug. As a woman my mother's age appears. She has brown hair and doe brown eyes.

"Welcome to our home, I'm Hope Lupin" she says. "Remus' mother" she states.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs Lupin" I tell her with a curtsy. She chuckles pulling me into a hug.

"Please call me Hope dear" she tells me with a smile. "Lyall, get in here!" she shouts. A man with brown hair and green eyes appears. Now I know where Remus gets his eyes from.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to look after my daughter. I'm Credella Weasley, but I prefer to be called Ella" mum tells them.

"Lyall Lupin" the man says shaking her hand.

"We love meeting Remus' friends and it's about time he got a girl friend" Hope states.

"Mum!" Remus whines blushing madly. I giggle.

"Anyway Guin behave and do as you're told. No causing mischief and write often. Enjoy the rest of your break and the school year. See you at the station at the end of the year" mum tells me.

"Yes mum, you and dad have fun" I tell her. We share a hug and she left. "So which is my room?" I ask the trio.

"Remus show her to her room" Hope tells him. He nods his head and grabs my trunk. Leading the way.

"This is your room and mine is right next door" he says pointing to the door on the left. I smile and sit on the bed. Patting the spot next to me. He sits beside me. "Have a good new year?" he asks me.

"Yes, Billius and I set fireworks off inside the house. Mum was not impressed" I tell him giggling. He chuckles. "By the way, I have a favour to ask" I tell him sheepishly.

"Anything" he tells me.

"I haven't finished my winter homework yet, think you can help me?" I ask him.

"Of course" he tells me. "Grabs you homework and come to my room" he states. Before leaving the room. I do as I was told and we get started. I had two essays to do, a work sheet and a labelled drawing of a Unicorn.

We're start to do our essay on Entrancing Enchantments. "It doesn't hold a candle to what we feel for each other" I state.

"What?" he asks me confused.

"The entrancing enchantment, it won't replicate the pull we have for each other. And a love potion would never sway us to be unfaithful" I state looking into his eyes.

"You're right" he agrees. We get lost in each others eyes and start to lean in. I close my eyes as I feel his warm breath on my lips.

"Lunch is ready!" Lyall shouts as he appears in the door way. Remus and I pull away from each other blushing madly. "Opps sorry" he says. "Lunch is ready" he repeats before leaving.

"So we get back to our homework after lunch?" I ask Remus.

"Sure" he says. I kiss his cheek.

"Next time" I tell him and left him blushing. I head to the kitchen. "Looks delicious Hope" I tell her as I sit down. She smiles and serves the food as Remus appears. He sits beside me and we all enjoy lunch.

(Time skip)

It's night time and we just finished the homework. "Shame" I say as I pack my things away.

"Why?" he asks me confused.

"Now we'll have to come up for another reason to be alone" I tease and he blushes. I giggle. "Good night Remus" I say and head for the door.

"Wait!" he exclaims and I turn around running into him.

"Sorry" I tell him.

"I'm not" he tells me wrapping his arms around my waist. "I like you Guinevere, a lot and I was wondering. Would you be my girlfriend?" he asks me blushing madly. I smile sweetly wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I thought you'd never ask" I tell him and kiss him. It was meant to be a short kiss. But he holds me close deepening the kiss.

"Ok, enough you two" Hope says and we pull away. "I'm happy for you both, but it's time for bed. And no sneaking into each others bed. Otherwise I'll know" she tells us.

"Mum!" Remus whines blushing madly. She just smiles wishing us a good night before leaving the room. "I'm sorry about that" he tells me.

"It's fine, my parents would be doing the same thing if you were at my house" I tell him. "I'll see you in the morning, sweet dreams" I tell him.

"They'd be sweeter if you were here" he states and then blushes. "I--I me---mean" he stutters. I give him a peck.

"I know what you meant and I feel the same way" I tell him honestly. "But we just became a couple and are in your parents house. We agreed to take things slow, remember?" I remind him.

"You're right" he says. "Good night" he tells me. I repeat it and we share a brief kiss. Before I went to my room. I did my teeth and changed into my pjs. Calling it a night.


Picture above of Lyall and Hope Lupin. Picture in chapter of the Lupin House.

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