Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff

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Guinevere's POV

Gideon had us all wake up early today for the match. He's our captain and a beater. Along with his twin brother Fabian. It's their last year of Hogwarts, so both want to win badly. Sirius, James and Dirk are the chasers. Kingsley Shacklebolt is our keeper. This is Dirk's first year on the team and he is nervous. But James and Sirius have worked hard with him, and he has come a long way. No one can dodge the twins bludgers, unless somehow the beater on the other team hits it or intercepts it. Kingsley is in his fifth year, but he plans on quitting the team next year to focus on his NEWTs as he wants to be an auror in future.

Anyway we're in the great hall having breakfast. "Come on Dirk, you did great against Slytherin. Hufflepuff will be a walk in the park" James tells him.

"Yes, but my cousin is on the Hufflepuff team and I don't want to hurt her" Dirk states.

"You won't hurt her" Sirius tells him.

"Besides it's Quidditch everyone gets a few bruises" Fabian states.

"No going easy on her Dirk" Gideon tells him firmly.

"Yes captain" Dirk says.

"Guin, we're tied with Slytherin the last match. I want you to catch the snitch as soon as possible this time. So that we can get ahead in the battle for the cup" Gideon tells me.

"I'll do my best captain" I assure him.

"Chasers, we'll deal with the bludgers and other team keeper. You focus on scoring goals while working as a team" Fabian tells them.

"Don't worry, we can handle their chasers. All the plays are new aside from the keeper and seeker" James states.

"True and they haven't learnt how to work as a team yet" Sirius states.

"Good, I want us to win this year" Gideon tells us firmly.

"We won't let you down" Kingsley assures him.

"Good, lets head down to the pitch" the twins tells us. We all nod our heads and shoulder our brooms. Mine is a Nimbus 1000. Sure it's not the latest model and was made in 1967. But it has not lost me a match so far. In the last two years.

We reach the pitch and exam the conditions. The grounds is soft and muddy from last nights rain. So we won't have a good kick off. But at least we don't have the sun to worry about. The wind isn't to strong, so that's good too.

"Not ideal, but the best we could hope for after last nights rain" Gideon says.

"Aye, lets go inside and have our meeting" Fabian suggests. Gideon agrees and leads us inside. We all sit down as Gideon waves his wand at the black board.

"Like Sirius and James said. Most the the Hufflepuff team is made of new members. So as long as we work as a unit, we should win this match" Gideon tells us. "Now I've heard the keeper hurt his left arm recently. So true aiming that way" he tells the chasers.

"Will do captain" the chasers say nodding their heads.

"Guin you have the faster broom and are lighter then their seeker. Use that to your advantage" Gideon tells me. I nod my head. "It's time, good luck everyone" he tells us. We walk onto the pitch with the Hufflepuff team.

"Captains shake hands" Madam Hooch instructs. Gideon shakes hand with the hufflepuff captain. "Mount brooms and on my whistle" she tells us. We do so and she counts to three before blowing her whistle. We take to the sky and she releases the balls.

"Welcome todays quidditch match Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff" Adrian Matrix says. He's a Ravenclaw in our year and the new commentator. He also takes a lot of photos. "Gryffindor in possession, Potter pass to Black. Who passes it to Cresswell (aka Dirk). As they do the quaffle shuffle in attempt to confuse the Hufflepuff chasers" he commentates. "The three Gryffindor chasers are head for the goals and Gamble tries to steal the quaffle. But fails as Black throws the ball through the left hoop. Scoring the first ten points of the match. Ten to zero Gryffindor" he states.

I smile and loop the pitch cheering with the gryffindors in the stands. I then begin my search for the snitch, while keeping an eye on the other teams seeker. Gryffindor scores another two goals and I decide to use a new quidditch move I saw over the summer.

I rise high above the pitch catching the other seeker's attention. I then dive and he follows. I smirk, he fell for it. I focus on the ground, ten feet away, eight feet away, five feet away and I pull up sharply. The other seeker crashes to the ground.

"Whoa Weasley pulled of the new move invented by Josef Wronski. Known at the Wronski Feint. A seeker pretends to see the snitch far below and races to catch it, hoping the opposing seeker will copy. At the last second before reaching the ground, the feinting seeker pulls out of a dive, usually causing the opposing seeker to crash" Adrian explains.

Madam Pomfrey goes and exams the other seeker. She gives him the green light to continue. "Nice one Trixie" Sirius tells me smirking.

"Yeah, I didn't think you had the guts for that move" James states.

"Potter, Black focus on the match!" Gideon yells at them. They zoom off to help Dirk. James and Sirius do the body blow. Making a hufflepuff chaser drop the quaffle. Which Dirk catches and he shots up the pitch heading for the goals. A bludger heads his way and Fabian sends it to the Hufflepuff keeper instead. Who dodges it by doing a sloth grip. IN doing so, left the goals wide open.

"Forty - zero to Gryffindor. Hufflepuff is in trouble" Adrian states. "They need to start working together like Gryffindor, if they want a chance to win. Unless their seeker can catch the snitch before Weasley" he states.

Sirius gains possession and throws the quaffle at James. Who does the Finbourgh Flick with his broom. Using it to hit the quaffle towards the Hufflepuff goal posts. The Hufflepuff does the starfish and stick. The Keeper grips his with one hand and one foot hooked around the shaft. While stretching his body and other limbs out, effectively blocking all three of the goal posts.

"Nice save by the Hufflepuff keeper, Hufflepuff now in possession" Adrian states. I see a shimmer of gold and head for it at the same time as the Hufflepuff seeker. "Both seekers have seen the snitch" Adrian announces.

"Com on, go" I urge my broom ton go faster and I'm now neck & neck with the other seeker. He tries to shoves me out of the way. But Gideon sent a bludger his way. So he went of course to dodge it. Giving me the time I needed to close my hand around the snitch.

"Weasley has caught the snitch, Gryffindor wins. A hundred and ninety - zero!" Adrian announces. Gryffindors cheer and the two Marauders hug me.

"Ew you both stink, get off!" I whine. They just laugh as we lower to the ground. We are soon swarmed by gryffindors and I slip away to the change rooms. I have a quick shower and change clothes. I was just about to put my shirt on when Remus appears.

"Gunievere, are you..." he starts to ask and sees me in my bra & jeans. He turns around as we both blush. I quickly put my shirt on as he apologizes.

"Why are you here?" I ask him as I grab my broom.

"There's a party in the common room and no one could find you" he states.

"And they couldn't send the girls?" I ask him.

"Sirius thought it'd be fine to send me, I'm sorry for just walking in" he tells me.

"I'm descent now and we can just forget this happened" I tell him. "We have a party to get to" I add. We head up to the castle and Gryffindor tower. As soon as I enter the girls pull me onto the makeshift dance floor.


Picture above of Guinevere's outfit, broom and the snitch. Picture on the external link of Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff.

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