Full Moon

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(18th November 1975, Marauders Dorm) Third Persons POV

"I swear, it's real" Sirius whines.

"Foxes have amber eyes, not blue" James tells him.

"Not to mention there are no wild red foxes in Britian" Remus adds.

"But I've seen it and I swear it's following me around" Sirius tells them stubbornly.

"You're being paranoid Snuffles" Remus tells him.

"Tell you what, if the fox is real you can change your nickname to Padfoot" James tells him. Sirius smiles be much preferred that to Snuffles. But he's friends think it's fun to tease him with the name Snuffles. Sirius gets up and heads for the door.

"Where are you going?" Peter squeaks.

"To find that fox" Sirius states and leaves the dorm room.

"You know I think he is finally losing his marbles" James tells the other two.

"Maybe" Remus says with a shrug

"We still on for tonight?" James asks him. Remus nods his head. Tonight is a full moon and the third they'd all spend together. In fact they planned on leaving the shack tonight to explore the forest instead. It took a lit of convincing from James and Sirius, to get Remus to agree.

(Forest at Night) Guinevere's POV

Hello my name is Guinevere Cedrella Weasley and I am the younger sister of Arthur & Bilius Weasley. Also the only daughter of Cedrella and Septimus Weasley. My brother Arthur married Molly Prewett and they have two sons so far. Called Bill and Charlie. Arthur wants to keep trying until they have a girl. Bill is turning five in eleven days and Charlie is turning three in December. Bilius is not married and has no kids. He jokes around a lot.

I am in my fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I take Charms, Astronomy, Herebology, Potions, Transfiguration, HoM, CoMC, DADA, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. I'm also on the Quidditch team and am the seeker. I am the only girl on the team.

There is one boy on the team I do not like. Only because he toyed with my friend Marlene and broke her heart last year. His name is Sirius Black and I've made my mission to drive him crazy.

Did I forget to mention I'm an Animagus, an unregistered one. I turn into a red fox with blue eyes. I follow Sirius around and disappear before he can get to close. I've heard him ranting to his friends about me and am proud my plan is working.

Anyway it's a full moon tonight and I decide to go explore the forest in my fox form. The best time to explore the forest or anywhere at night is on a full moon. Besides best to do it now before I get to swamped with home work for my OWLs. Lily already makes us do our homework straight away to avoid forgetting it.

I explore the forest following the path. Not wanting to get lost. I grow wary and decide to take a nap and rest in a circle of moon light. I doze off and wake to something nudging me. I groan and open my eyes to see a black dog. I freeze in shock not daring to move.

I notice a stag, rat and  werewolf behind me

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I notice a stag, rat and werewolf behind me. I gulp in fear. 'Told you the blue eyed fox was real' a boy says smugly. I flatten my ears I know that cocky voice anywhere. It belongs to Sirius Black.

'Guess we have to call you Padfoot from now on' another voice states. That sounds like James Potter. He's a friend of Sirius and also on the quidditch team. Except he's a chaser. He originally tried out for seeker along with me, but I got the position.

'That you do Prongs' Padfoot states. The dog looks at me with it's grey eyes. 'I wonder if it'll play?' he muses and I look at him blankly.

'Don't know Padfoot, why don't you do a play bow' Prongs suggests. And the dog goes into a play bow wagging it's tail. It yips and I sit up. I turn and start to walk away. The werewolf growls and I freeze. The werewolf approaches and sniffs me.

Then suddenly grabs me by the scruff and walks off. The others rush after us. Padfoot gets in front of us growling at the werewolf to put me down. The werewolf growls back and I whimper in fear. It puts me down gently and I dash off.

I hear them give chase and start zig zag. Going through small gaps until I hide under tree roots. I curl up tightly and refuse to move until sun up. Guess I'm sleeping in the forest tonight.

(Shrieking Shack) Third Persons POV

"I told you so!" Sirius brags. Remus had turned human and was wrapped in a blanket. It's about two in the morning. They had given up the search as Remus was going to turn human again. Which he now has.

"Yes, you were right about the fox" James states.

"The thing I don't get is why it's following you. Also it's eye colour was not natural" Remus states. James nods his head in agreement.

"So what do you think the reason for that is?" Sirius asks him.

"The most likely answer is an animagus, but who'd want to drive you crazy?" Remus asks him.

"No idea, and why did Moony want to carry her?" Sirius asks him.

"Don't know, but I felt very protective over her" Remus states.

"Strange, well looks like we have a mystery to solve" James declares.

"We can do that tomorrow, look for someone as tired as us" Sirius states.

"Sounds good" Remus says nodding his head.

"Can we sleep now?" Peter squeaks. The others agree and they all lay about the room. And fall asleep, but the other three left before dawn. So as not to be caught by Madame Pomfrey when she comes to collect Remus before breakfast.

Meanwhile Guinevere woke up under the tree and crawl out from under it. She turned human and dusted herself off. She summons her broomstick and then flies it back to Hogwarts. She lands on the edge of the forest and snuck back into the castle unseen. Deciding to have a shower before going to the Great Hall for breakfast.


Picture above of Guinevere and picture in chapter of the Marauders with Trixie (Aka Guinevere Weasley's fox form).

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