How you met.... (Justb as your bf)

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Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy 💕💕💕 And please comment loads🤗🤗🤗

Note: Y/N = Your name.


"I'll see you on Monday. Bye!" You waved at your friend smiling as she smiled back and ran away. You were right outside the library near your house. You turned your back at the direction where your friend ran only to be bumped into someone. "Ow!" You said as you fell on your butt while rubbing your forehead. You hit your head into the other person's head/shoulder/chest (depends on your height). "Oh my! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" You heard a male's soft voice. You looked up at him and saw him extending his hand towards you. For some reason your heart raced and you hesitantly grabbed his hand as he helped you to get you. "Do you need any help? Are you injured?" He asked. "Oh no I'm fine. Thank you for the help. And call me Y/N." You smiled. He smiled back at you which made your heart burst. Almost. "I'm Geonu. Nice to meet you Y/N.".... 


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"There's a new student in our class everyone." The teacher said as you looked up at her from your book pushing your glasses up a bit. She looked at the door and a tall ass boy entered your classroom. "Wow..." You mumbled slowly when you saw him. He was really handsome and looked like some angel that landed onto the earth. "Introduce yourself please." The teacher said looking at the boy. "Hello. I'm Song Byeonghee. Nice to meet you." He bowed. "It was nice meeting you too Byeonghee. You can sit beside Y/N." Your heart stopped momentarily when the teacher said that. You raised your hand not long after as he came and sat beside you. You couldn't look away from him. "Am I too good to look at?" He asked startling the shit out of you. "Oh... I'm sorry Byeonghee." You looked back down at the book. "Cute." He mumbled giggling....

" He mumbled giggling

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Lim Jimin....

"Do I really have to go?" You asked your friend who desperately wanted you to go to a party with her. You weren't a party person at all. "Y/N please! I never asked you for this ever. Can't you come this once?" She reasoned and requested. You sighed and said, "Fine. This once." You said and she squealed happily. You and your friend went to the party that evening and you felt horrible in that atmosphere. Loud music and drunk people weren't helping at all. You went to a corner and crossed your arms across your chest. "Why are you alone?" A deep male's voice startled you. You looked beside you to find a tall and handsome boy on your left side. "I don't like this environment." You said. "I don't too." He said making you raise an eyebrow. "Want fresh air?" He offered. "Sure!" You smiled bright. He smiled back extending a hand towards you. "I'm Jimin."....

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