Nightmare.... (L.JM)

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Ayeong was walking towards her house in a dark alley which was the shortcut she found a few days ago. To be honest she was low-key scared because of how dark the alley always was. And that night was extra terrifying coz her phone had died down of low battery and she couldn't use her phone's flashlight to see the way. 

Luckily she had memorized the way to her house and there was the moonlight too. It was not enough but still then it made her path slightly visible and she could make sure that she didn't bump into something or someone. She kept walking down the alley towards her house while clutching her bag's straps in her palms. 

Suddenly she heard some footsteps from behind her. She got alarmed. She turned back and saw no one. She pursed her lips together and took a deep breathe before turning back again in the direction she was walking and she continued her walking. When she started walking, once again footsteps were heard. 

She turned back and yelled, "Who is it?!" She saw no one nor did feel anyone's presence. "Are you a coward? Scared of coming infront of a girl? Come out if you can you coward!" She yelled again, trying to overcome her fear which was increasing every second. Still then, no response from anyone. "Maybe I'm overthinking." 

She mumbled to herself and startled walking again. After a few seconds a faint rustle from behind her was heard. She stopped and turned behind again. "Why the fuck are you hiding?! Come infront of me! I'm not scared of you so you shouldn't be too you coward!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. 

Her eyes moved around in all the directions when someone tapped her shoulder from behind. Her heart stopped for a bit before she turned around slowly, regretting every word she said. She gasped, frightened, not by the thought of a ghost but by the face infront of her. "Long time no see baby girl." Her ex. 

"W-What do you want?" She asked stepping backwards as her ex took steps forward. "Just you." He said and Ayeong let out a whimper when her back hit the wall behind her. "Well you think you can get away from me so easily huh?" He said trapping her in his arms. She slid down by the wall and hugged her knees terrified at the sight of him. 

"Please.... Let me go." She sobbed. "Not so soon Byun Ayeong." He said and she saw him pull out something from his pocket. The thing shone bright at the moonlight. Her eyes widened when she recognised the shining and sharp object in his hand. "Y-You are gonna..." She stopped speaking. "Stab you using this? Yeah right." He smirked. 

He trailed his fingers at the edge of the sharp knife he was holding. Ayeong let her tears fall and said, "P-Please... Don't do it..." She whimpered but her eyes widened and she gasped when he raised that knife up in air....

"NOOOOOO!" Ayeong screamed and sat up on her bed breathing heavily. She looked around the room and discovered that she was in her bedroom. She was too immersed in examining her surroundings that she didn't even notice her worried boyfriend beside her, who had woken up from her scream. 

"Ayeong are you listening to me? AYEONG!" Jimin yelled making Ayeong flinch as she turned her gaze towards him. Her eyes glistened in tears when she saw him. He cupped her cheeks in his large palms with a concerned look on his face. Ayeong let out a small sob as she leaned down closer to Jimin, resting her head on his chest, crying her heart out. 

He took one of her hands in his, rubbing the upper part of it with his thumb while his other hand was wrapped around her protectively. She was clutching his shirt with her fist, afraid that she'll have no one to love and protect her if he leaves her. After a few minutes of her crying and Jimin silently comforting her, she calmed down but was still scared. 

"Did you get that nightmare again?" He asked. She nodded against his chest slowly. He took a deep sigh before pulling Ayeong closer to him, making her sit on his lap. "What if he really stabs me one day Jimin?" She mumbled. "Hush... Nothing like that is going to happen. I was, I am and I always will be there for you." He said and kissed her forehead. 

"I'm scared of him." She mumbled hiding her face in the crook of his neck and hugging his torso tightly. He patted her back with one hand and cupped the back of her head with the other one. "Don't be. He can't get to you." Jimin said. "What if he did?" Ayeong asked. "Do you trust me?" Jimin asked and Ayeong nodded. 

"Then listen to me. If he ever tries to even touch a single cell of your body, I'll pull all of his hair out of his head." He said making Ayeong smile. "I mean how dare he become my Angel's nightmare?" He questioned. "Mmm... He's bad." She hummed and nuzzled her nose in the crook of his neck with eyes closed making Jimin smile slightly. 

He swayed Ayeong's body in his arms, rocking her like she was a precious little baby. "Yah stop it. I'm not a small baby." Ayeong said looking at him. "Then what are you? A big baby?" Jimin asked and laughed. "Yah!" She pouted and hit his shoulder playfully then she yawned out of nowhere. "You should sleep." Jimin said and let Ayeong lie down on the bed. 

"What about you?" She asked. "I'll sleep after you do." He smiled and leaned down to peck her. "Why'd you pull out?" She looked at him with a frown. "Why? You wanna make out late at night huh?" He teased her. "No! I didn't mean that!" She defended as her cheeks turned into a hue of red. Not Jimin's problem. He absolutely loved teasing her.

"Fine." Ayeong scrunched her nose up at him. "Go to sleep big baby." He said and kissed her temple. "I'm not a baby!" She said making Jimin laugh. He inserted his arm under her neck and wrapped it around her shoulders, making her snuggle up into his chest. "Good night love." He whispered, softly pecking the top of her head making her smile. "Love you..."

The end❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hey guys how was it? I hope it was enjoyable! I have a feeling that Limji will be a caring yet teasing type of boyfriend! And while thinking about this plot, the only person in my brain was Limji.... So I wrote it😅😅.... Please vote if u liked it.... I'll see y'all in the next one☺️☺️

 I'll see y'all in the next one☺️☺️

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Boyfie material indeed😍😍

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