Trainee.... (K.SW)

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Requested by @seillacxtie .... I'm really really sorry for updating your request sooo late Hun.... But u hope y'all enjoy this :))) 💗💗

Seilla's POV

Standing by the playground of my school by myself, I was lightly kicking the basketball near my foot on the wall which returned back to my foot. Well because I was bored. Never in my life had I gotten a friend for myself or was I not interested- oh wait no. I have a friend. My dog. Yup that little corgi is my best friend but he's not with me here. I sighed to myself as I looked around and saw the boys and girls with their own friends talking and laughing together.

My eyes suddenly caught a boy who looked as lonely as me. I had never seen him before in the school tho. "Should I go to him?" I mumbled to myself before shaking my head as a no and continued playing with the ball. After a few moments I looked at him again, I felt bad because boy looked around as if he was about to fall asleep. 

"I can just go and talk to him or something right...? I don't need to be friends with him to make him feel less lonely." Slowly I picked the ball up from the floor and walked towards that guy. That guy didn't notice my presence, so I casually threw the ball on him. Not very hard because I wasn't sure where the ball would hit him. 

Take your thoughts out if you think I'm a basketball player. I stole that ball from the cabinet to divert myself hah. That boy became startled making me snort causing him to look at me. "Are you new?" I asked. "Uh yeah.... Why?" He asked. "I just had never seen you before. And you seem bored and lonely. Want me to accompany you? Since I'm equally as bored as you are." 

"Sure..." Was all he said before I leaned down and picked the ball up before walking slightly closer to him, still at a distance tho, and kicked the ball towards his foot. He looked at me and then the ball, a bit confused, before he kicked it back at my foot. I smiled and continued doing that; so did he.

"Where are you from?" I asked. "I am from Jejudo." He said making me look up at him. "I felt like it because your accent seems similar to the Jejudo accent." I said making him not and then it was silent again while he continued kicking the ball to each other. Just the fact that the silence wasn't awkward as I thought it would be. 

"What made you come to Seoul?" I looked at him and asked again. "I want to become a K-pop idol." He said making me go 😲. "That's cool. Have you auditioned somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah I'm a trainee under bluedot." He said. "Ooh... I hope you debut soon." I smiled at him. He smiled back. I'm not gonna lie here... He is.... Cute.

"Gather up everyone." I heard the PE teacher's voice making me turn my head back. "Well not you won't be bored because the class is about to start. See you." I turned my back at him and was about to go when, "Wait." He said making me look back at him. "Uh.. your name?" He said looking down and scratching the back of his neck. 

"Seilla." I said making him look at me. "I'm Kim Sangwoo." He said making me nod before smiling and running to where all the girls had gathered up. 

Time skip (skippy skippy)

I was walking out of the school while holding a strap of my school back which was on my back while looking down. Then I suddenly felt someone walking with me but at a distance. I turned my head to the left and chuckled. "I felt like some ghost was following me." I said making Sangwoo look at me. "Oh I'm sorry." He bowed. 

"Nah it's fine. We can walk home together if you want." I shrugged. "If you wouldn't mind." He said still looking down. "I don't. I'm just alone so I'd like some company." I said. "Okay." He said and started walking with me, just he was still at a distance of two hands from me. "Why are you so far away? Are you scared of me?" I asked laughing. He looked at me and shook his head. 

The walk was just silent but again not an awkward one. To be honest it just felt nice with him. Maybe I should be around him more often....

A few months later....

I was standing on the bridge leaning my back on the railings waiting for someone. I looked up at the sky smiled at the pretty peach and yellow shade it had. "Seilla..." I heard a familiar soft voice call me. I looked to my right and smiled at Sangwoo. "Hi." I waved. "Hi." He waved back and looked down. 

"I have a confession to make." He said. "Which is?" I raised my eyebrows at him. "Uh.... I...." He took a loooooooooong pause. "You what?" I asked. "I... You know.... I l-like you. I don't care about your reply because either way I can't date you since I'm a trainee but I'd still like to stay friends with you. Thanks for your patient hearing." He said with his eyes closed. 

Well the fact that he wouldn't be able to date me broke my heart but I can't stop him from chasing his dreams. "It's okay. I wasn't sure if I like you the same way as you do." I lied, because I didn't wanna break him as well. "Uh... I'm sorry." He bowed. "It's okay Sangwoo. Sometimes it's better to let your feelings out instead of keeping them inside you bottled up. I'm glad you told me about how you feel." I smiled. 

"Really?" He asked making me nod. "Thanks...." He said looking down. I didn't say anything, instead engulfed him in a bear hug even though my body wasn't that big. For the first time, we hugged. It felt good, even though it took him a few moments to realise I was hugging him and he hugged me back as tightly as I did. 

That moment felt just right. 

The end❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sorry for not being able to update regularly guys.... School has been torturing me a lot lately😑... I'm back anyways with a new ff.... Sorry if u felt like it had a sad ending... But this wasn't exactly sad.... Atleast they're still together yk☺️.... I hope you enjoyed this.... See y'all in the next ff❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

*Sends my love to him* Our cute litol maknae who doesn't look like it😚😚😚

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*Sends my love to him* Our cute litol maknae who doesn't look like it😚😚😚

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