I saw it.... (Random text story!)

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You: I saw it 👀

Geonu: Saw what? 

You: It 👀

Geonu: Chilly pepper? (A/N: I'll b really happy if y'all don't get this🙂) 

You: No what the fuck slaksbskqo🦆

Geonu: You're acting like it duh🙄

You: 😶

Geonu: You sure you don't need the hospital? 

You: No why in the world would I- 😭😭



You: I saw it Bain 👀

Bain: saw...it? What? 

You: I saw it 

Bain: OMG- imma bleach your eyes in (Hobi) water you dirty child! Come here- 

You: I- When did I say I saw smth dirty- you're the one being dirty minded to think that 🙄🙄

Bain: Then what does "it" mean? 

You: Idk it's a trend😹😹

Bain: Go to sleep you have school tomorrow

You: I don't go to school 😐


Lim Jimin....

You: Limji I saw it 👀

Lim: Eh...? Lemme guess, you saw me with a girl and assumed it to be the one with whom I'm cheating on you. So lemme inform you before you break up with me that it was my cousin from the US.

You: Oh- 

Lim: Anything more you need? Water? Tea? Coffee? 

You: I didn't even see you with her- but I'd like to drink cold coffee

Lim: Then go make it

You: Bitch-

Lim: I'm your boyfriend, treat me with respect

You: Beach🤡



You: Jiminie I saw it 👀

JM: I know this trend 😎

You: I- can you act like you don't know about it? 

JM: Wait lemme ask Bain

You: Alsjbskal why do you need permission from him to do something for your girlfriend? 😭

JM: Coz he's the girlfriend duh

You: I- You betrayer you're dating a tall ass tree I'm telling you! 

JM: He's still better than you

You: 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

(BaiChuZ forever😆) 



You: I saw it 👀

DY: I- what!? Did you see me with your bestie cuddling?! Y/N I swear to God I didn't mean to cheat on you... It's- it's just you were not home and I was getting bored so....

You: You what?! Which bestie?! 

DY: The blue teddy bear.... I got you on your last birthday

You: I- You seriously need to give me twenty good reasons why I should be dating you -_- 

DY: Why'd you not date me in the first place? I'm all in one package bitch

You: Of course🙄

DY: 😎😎

You: 😑🙄😶



You: Woo I saw it 👀

Woo: Okay

You: You won't ask what I saw? 

Woo: No

You: Kskalksjsn Why not! 

Woo: I don't wanna I don't wanna waste my time~ 

You: Bain is with you isn't he?😑

Woo: He is, why? 

You: 💀 Anyways Stan TWICE


The end ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Anyways guess who's back? 😎 Hehehe.... I'll be updating regularly from now on.... So stay tuned for my updates ☺️ and pls tell me your favourite one😅

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