"i want Codes"

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Anyways this is based in mha, literally dont kill me if I get anything wrong. Cody will be a first year. And uh Ima just exist.
Enjoy the story!
Also, non of this most likely makes sense. I was like half asleep when writing this

Charaters- Fox , Cody

Fox had woken up an hour ago, it was now 6am. Not much they can do with a fucked sleep schedule. Fox slowly rolled out of bed with a groan. They then stretched as they got up, joints clicking.

They walked down the stairs, going to the kitchen and boiling the kettle before grabbing an ice cube from the freezer. They chomped on the ice as they waited for the kettle to boil, this was their routine.

Making a cuppa tea and then walking back to their bedroom, placing the cup down on a little table they had by the bed.

Flopping onto their bed, grabbing their phone and opened discord. I had a lot of texts due to half my friends being from 5-8 hours behind them.

They were in a group called 'sex slaves', it was a great chat. Fox was looking through the conversations after they had gone to sleep, wary of the disturbing shit they sent.
(Yes I'm actually in a chat called 'sex slaves')

They shrugged, seeing some one them were online and decided to text the chat. 'Morning everyone! How are we all?'

They had a few responses from everyone. So then they  just disappeared as always and decided to play genshin because Fox needed Kazuha. (I didnt get him, I got Mona)

~Time skip brought to you by me accidentally killing Yanfei again~

Fox checked the time before opening the texts between them and Cody. They send a text saying they were running a few minutes late. With this they got off there bed and stumbled to their clothing draws.

"And this is why you keep an eye on the time fox" they told themselves. Grabbing black trousers, a white shirt sleeved shirt and their boots. Getting dressed in a rush. They adjusted the bandages on their limbs. This was affects from being a clumsy fuck and other things.

Grabbing their phone and a jacket, which they tied around their waist. They shoved their phone in their pocket and quickly left the house, locking the door after them.

They were running up the street as not to make the older any later than he could be. It was only his first day of school anyways. Fox couldn't miss a day of walking him to school.

"Fuck sake!" Was loudly shouted, most would've heard it. It was Cody as Fox had just jumped on his back. They were laughing and holding onto him for dear life.

"Hiii" they hummed, as cody grabbed their legs. Guess he would be giving Fox a piggy back to school instead of them walking. "Your an ass" he told them.

They just laughed "onwards pretty boy". They had to be careful of the boys wings, not that it bothered him to much. Cody laughed at their words before walking in the direction of UA

They had an interesting conversation which ended in Fox Practically dying from laughter. "A-anyways I'll see you after school".

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