Why Do Men Have Nipples If They Serve No Purpose?

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There seems a logical explanation about why women have nipples- for babies. But why do men's bodies retain what appears to be redundant body parts? The Darwinian natural selection process would seem to dictate that male nipples really should not be there. So what's the deal? Why do men have nipples?

The answer is that as embryos, men & women have similar tissues and body parts. If anything the embryo follows a 'female template'. That is why nipples are present in both sexes. It's the effect of the genes, the Y chromosome and the hormone testosterone that brings about the changes & masculinizes the embryo. Testosterone promotes the growth of the penis & testicles. Because nipples have formed before this process, they're here to stay.

Source: {http://menshealth.about.com/od/conditions/a/nipples_men.html}

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