Old enough to understand

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WARNING: Homophobia, Religious trauma, rape reference, sexual assault!

If your not comfortable with it, please skip this chapter.

"Sasha mija i'm doing this for you!" Sasha's dad said, she grabbed her hair out of frustration "you don't understand papa, I can't change this! I am who i am!"

Sasha's mom placed a hand on her shoulder "your dad is just trying to help you mija."

Sasha looked at her mom, tears filling her eyes "by sending me to a fucking clinic?!"

Sasha's dad slammed his fist on the table "no cussing in this house hold!"

Sasha stood up from the table "i'm not doing this, not today" sasha ran out of the dining area and ran upstairs towards her room.

Her younger adoptive sister, kaya, heard everything, once sasha loudly shut the door behind her kaya knocked on the door.

"Sasha you okay?" Kaya asked sasha, who was packing her stuff.

Once Sasha was done putting all her stuff in a backpack, she kneeled in front of her younger sister "Kaya, i want you to stay strong i'm not coming back for a couple of weeks"

Kaya gasped "but you can't! You can't leave me here alone!"

"I Promise i'll come back soon" Sasha calmly smiled, she placed her thumb on Kaya's cheek snd softly stroked it "hey look at me, everything is going to be okay, i promise"

"Promise you'll come back?" Kaya sniffed, Sasha wiped Kaya's tears away "Promise"

Kaya pulled Sasha into a tight hug. "I love you kaya"

"I love you too Sasha"

"Y/n can you open the door, im busy right now!" Hange said coming from their office.

You stood up from the couch and walked towards the front door, and saw sasha in the door opening.

"Oh my god sasha are you okay?" You gasped, Sasha's eyes where red and puffy from crying.

Hange stuck their head out the doorway of their office "What's happening?"

Hange looked at sasha "oh dear what happened?"

You lead sasha to the couch, "i'm sorry to ask, but can i stay here for a couple of weeks?"

Hange smiled as they rubbed Sasha's back "ofcourse, you're always welcome here"

"Sasha don't even ask, we know how strict your dad is, you're always welcome here" you said calmly, Sasha smiled "Thank you, i really appreciate this"

"The only thing is is that we don't have guest room, so you have to take the couch" Hange said.

"No Sasha can sleep in my room" you said but Sasha shook her head "it's okay Y/n, i'll take the couch"

"You sure?"


Hange stood up from the couch "we have some left overs, i'll warm them up for you"

"Gracias- i mean thank you" sasha said, sometimes she switched languages without even knowing it.

She spoke Spanish at home, and English when she was with friends.

"Mister isn't it wrong what we are doing?" 8 year old sasha asked the priest, the priest laughed as he touched Sasha's private part.

"Ofcourse not, everyone does this" the priest answered.

"Everyone?" Sasha asked again "yes! Even your friends!"

The priest his hands started to go up her collarbone.

"Even my bestfriend?"

"Even your bestfriend!"

"Now Sasha, be a brave girl and lay down for me?"

Sasha opened her eyes, her whole body was sweaty, she sat straight up as she heavily breathed.

She got down again, realizing it was just a nightmare, the same nightmare that nearly happened every night.

She never got the therapy she needed because her parents didn't believe a priest would do that.

Suddenly the living room lighted up, you walked into the room.

"You okay Sasha? I was in the kitchen and i hear a loud gasp"

Sasha placed her hand on her forehead "yeah i'm okay, just a nightmare"

"Old enough to understand"

"You sure you don't need anything?"

Sasha quickly nodded.

You sighed "okay then, goodnight"

"Goodnight n/n"

Just a simple nightmare....

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