You're all i see

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"C'mon Braus" sasha said to herself. She had to write a new song for you guys, she didn't have any inspiration. She tried everything she could to get some inspiration but she couldn't think of Anything other than you.

"Shes all i see" she said to herself, thats when an idea came up.

she shifted her seat using the wheels that were under the seat to the other side of her desk, she picked up her laptop that was on one of the many shelves and started to write.

"Ayo Connie i have a new song that i thing we can play" Connie let sasha in his house, the both of them sat on the couch.

Sasha handed connie her laptop and started t fidget with her fingers.

Connie carefully scanned every sentence and smirked "this is about y/n huh?"

Sasha turned red "asshole how'd you notice?"

"Sasha its obvious" connie pointed at a significant line " my thoughts are crawling, you're all i see"

Connie laughed "well i think we can play this"

Sasha's mouth got into a big grin "really?!"


Sasha smiled "thanks Connie, i gotta go now"

Sasha placed her laptop back into her backpack and left the house.

Raindrops fell onto sasha's shoulders as she walked home. She loved this type of weather it always calmed her down.

It reminded her of you, she'd always choose rain over sun, and she'll always choose you over anyone.

Her biggest dream was to one day, move to a big city like new york city or maybe san Fransisco with you. To start a family with you.

But as long as the both of you weren't dating, that dream couldn't come true.

Sasha also has attachment issues, she gets attached to anyone who gives her a little attention.

And just the thought of telling you how she felt would make her question herself things.

What if you didn't like her back? She would lose her bestfriend in the entire world.

You are her rain, the thing she loved the most on earth was you.

Thats why most of the songs she has written, have signs in it for you to notice.

But she was scared to bring most of them out.

She once literally wrote a song called "Dream girl" everything she loved about you was written in the song.

She grabbed her earphones out of her pockets and plugged them into her phone.

She even made a PLAYLIST with songs that reminded her of you. It was her favourite playlist.

And that was what she was listening to at the moment.

While being lost in her thoughts she bumped into you.

"Oh im sorry miss- oh hey sasha!" You said happily, Sasha looked up and saw you, her rain.

"Hey y/n! What are you doing out so late?" Sasha asked you, you pointed at a corner shop "going to get a drink, you want one too?"

Sasha shook her head "no thanks, i gotta otherwise im going to get a shoe thrown at my head"

You both laughed "okay see you sasha!"

Sasha waved you goodbye and continued her making her way...

She's beautiful you thought, she was like a rainbow, you'll only see her rarely.

It was obvious, she was your favourite human on the earth.

But the real question was: are you HER favourite human on the earth?

You wanted to tell her how you felt so bad, but you were scared, scared of rejection.

Scared of your bestfriend who you've known since the moment you opened your eyes for the first time.

Sometimes people called you guys 'spongebob and patrick' because of how close you guys were.

She was always by your side, she would never leave you even tho how bad you would hurt her.

You've caused so much trouble together, everytime you did something together what was against the rules it felt like a special moment.

You both once got caught by the police because you toilet papered a girl her house because you both hated her, she called the police on you guys and you had to run for your lives.

You just wanted that she holds you in her heart forever.

You wanted to be more than just friends.

But does Sasha want that too?

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