Epilogue (I think that what you call this?)

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Ace is a the son of the King of pirates, after being born his mother passes away for helding her pregnancy for twenty months and let Grap take  care of Ace.

At the age of 5 and 6 grap left Ace and luffy with the mountain bandits. (Luffy is older then Ace for 1 year and for 5 months) They meet Sabo after a year of staying with the mountain bandits. Sabo is the oldest of the three he is older than Ace for 2 years and older than Luffy for about 1 year. They would always hang out together but since they're always together they started to call each other brothers although they aren't related by blood. Sabo joined the revolutionary army but he isn't dead he joined the revolutionary army at the age of 16 he still hangs with Ace and Luffy but offer a year he stopped but gave each one a transporter snail to keep being in touch with them while so they can call him to know if they're okay. Then Luffy at the age of 16 decided to go out for sail Ace was happy to know that Luffy is ready to follow his dreams of becoming the king of the pirates.
Rouge was a beautiful woman he had a brother named Shanks, when she  new that she was pregnant so she asked Shanks to take care of the kid if he ever came across someone that had Portgaz D. or Gold D. as their last name.
Two years later:
At the age of 7 fire started to come out of Ace when he was walking through the forest by himself he ran trying to find a lake or pond so he doesn't burn but then realized that the flames were not burning him then he started thinking about Luffy since started to have powers once he ate a devil fruit also known as the gum-gum fruit.Ace remembered that once you have a devil fruit you will not be able to swim so he decided to check out if he can swim to know if he really ate a devil fruit but once he got in he realized that he can swim so he started to wonder what happened. The next day he left early and when to  the town's book store he entered and got greated by and old lady(the owner of the store) he asked her if she had a book about devil fruits, she said to look at the dark corner of the store and saw a book about different types of devil fruits he got it and when to pay for it with the money he found from a chest in a cave from the forest. He whent back and saw Luffy he went to Luffy and showed the book he bought. Luffy asked Ace what does he have Ace showed him a book of different types of devil fruits and started looking for the page of the gum-gum fruit once they found it they found more things about Luffy's devil fruit and things he can do. At night Ace couldn't sleep so he started to look if there is a devil fruit that has something to do with fire until he came to a page of the flame-flame fruit he saw how it looked he read apart were it said "The flame-flame fruit is a logia type that allows the user to create, control, and transform into fire at will."
Years Later:
Ace can control his fire better but no one knows about it only Makino. Ace helps making run the bar and helps her cook for the customers and also makes food for him and Makino to eat when they have the chance or when they aren't many people. Makino helps Ace control his power better but they also know that his fire can change color like

Blue: heals people and helps him regenerate faster.

White: cold even if fire is supposed to burn white fire means like a cold blizzard so it makes it colder and harder to see.

Gray: when using gray fire it makes illusions and you have full control of them.

Black: when using black fire is a lot more stronger than red/normal fire it can also block light or anything type of devil fruit power from your opponent if you make barrier out of the black fire.

So that's all the types of fires Ace can use when he uses his powers.

(This story will not make any sense so if you like you can go ahead and read it. Also I might take forever to update a chapter).

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