Setting Sail (1)

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Making: Thanks Ace for helping me run the bar.

Ace: No problem Makino it's for helping me get better at using my fire. It's nothing I'm glad I can help you with something.

Making: So when will set sail to become a pirate or will you let Grap take you to a marine base once you almost turn 15.

Ace: I will be leaving in a few months.

Makino: Does Dadan know that you will be leaving in a couple of months?

Ace: Yes, she does know I told her this morning.

A couple of months later

I was walking back to the bandits house after I was done talking with Makino. I saw a treasure chest in the cost of the shore I when down and opened the chest. I saw the flame-flame fruit, some jewels and gold along side a pearl bracelet. I took the chest and gave it to Dadan since I was not able to give her a present in her birthday. Once I entered I didn't saw no one so I start cooking for the bandits since I wasn't hungry since I haved already eaten. Dadan walk in and saw me I told her that food was ready and that I have a present for her after dinner then the rest of the bandits entered the kitchen.

After Dinner
I told her that I found something in my way back here and thought that she might like it. I went and got the chest and gave it to her except the devil fruit and bracelet. She was very happy with the present she said that is been a while since she was a pirate, collecting every type of jewels a long side Makino. Ehhh Makino was a pirate 😲!!

Dadan's POV
Yes she was a pirate she was my first mate then is when all the rest of them(bandits) joined. We had bounties but once Grap was expecting a grandchild he told us that our bounties will be removed for the price of us taking care of Luffy and to our suprise you were also there but you were a babies and Luffy was 1. After a while Sabo appeared and he spend a lot of time here so it was like taking care of the three of you.

The Next Day

Makino's POV
I saw Ace walking towards me to help me run the bar like he's done during this past year.

Ace: Hello Makino

Makino: hello Ace how is your day?

Ace: It's going well even though the day just started. Anyways there's something I want to give you.

Ace gave me a pearl bracelet I asked him were did you got it? I found it alongside the treasure chest I gave to Dadan it also had the flame-flame fruit. Ace what are going to do with that devil fruit if you already have powers like that but even stronger. I might save it and give it to someone I trust once I have my own crew.

Makino you never told me you were a pirate before.

Makino: I didn't know how to tell you guys and my bounty was removed once Luffy was almost born. Yeah

Ace: I know Dadan said that Grap removed you bounties so you can take care of Luffy but it looks that he made you take care of Luffy after a couple of years after he was born and also made you guys take care if me.

Makino: Yes we meet him through your mother and Roger, after Roger asked him to take care of you after you were born so the navy doesn't go looking for you although the navy did knew that Roger was expecting a kid the navy started to look everywhere for you but they didn't found you.

Three Months Later

Makino, Dadan I will be setting sail know thank you for everything.

Makino: Ace there's something that Dadan wants to give you.

Ace: What's inside the box?

Dadan: Idiot open it.

I opened it and saw a hat and necklace I hugged Dadan and Makino. See you guys in a few years and thank for everything.

Makino's POV
Take care of yourself Ace I hope I hear something about you in the newspaper a while after you sailing. Have a good day Ace I hope we see each other soon someday

Ace: no problem we will se each other again someday and also have a good day Dadan see you soon!!

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