Pre-Ruination Viego x Knight Male Reader

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Note: You are Isolde's friend, and made up backstory for Isolde cause all that Riot ever gave for her backstory was 'Isolde seamstress wife, but she's dead now'

Warnings: Felt sad today so I wrote this. Inspiration for this fic is on the next slide above, and this is mostly projection. Also, a lot of timeskips. I haven't any stories that jump around time that much. Sorry if it's bad.

"I'm marrying Isolde."

A blanket of silence loomed over the both of you. You had been with him for so long. Helping through everything, and being there for those 'lonely nights'. Yet, here you were being thrown away. Were you even worth anything? Why did you think it was a good idea to fall for him?

Maybe you could have avoided your complicated fate if you hadn't met him. Maybe you could have been living happier.

-8 months ago-

It was a rather sunny day at Camavor. You were minding your own business in the streets of the market. The people of Camavor were a diverse bunch. There were so many things to do and places to places to explore, but you chose to be a knight.

You wanted to serve under the king's rule. From what you heard, the man was a kind man. A naive one, but a kind one nonetheless. Sure you'd miss out seeing the beautiful landscapes of the world, but you already chose your fate.

You came to a stop as you saw an all too familiar vegetable stall in front of you.

"Two small bags of carrots please."

You said to the old lady in the stall. You were a frequent buyer of hers. Mostly because she had better pricing on her items, unlike the other folk. Always trying to strike up a bad deal. You two struck up a conversation while you were waiting for your carrots.

At some point the conversation had drifted to being about the old lady's daughter.

"Oh, you should meet each other! You'd be such a wonderful partner to Isolde."

The old lady said happily handing you you two small bags of carrots. You chuckled before giving her 10 coins and answering to the old lady.

"I'm sure she's a wonderful lady just like you ma'am, but unfortunately I don't really fancy women."

The old lady let out an "Oh!" before apologizing to you. You told her it was a common thing, and assured her it was quite alright before taking off to help your mother cook for supper.

While on your walk, you had become spaced out, and didn't notice the figure right in front of you. It wasn't until both of your bodies clashed that you finally snapped back to reality. You were on the ground fumbling to pick up the carrots that fell from your bags.

"I'm so sorry! I-i didn't mean to bump into you and-"

You were cut off from your excessive apology when you noticed who was in front of you, the king himself, Viego. You knelt on the ground, immediately bowing your head.

"Y-your majesty, I apologize deeply for what I've done. Please forgive me! I wasn't looking where I was going."

The King looked amused, and stretched out his hand saying

"It's quite alright. I wasn't looking where I was going either. Come on, get up."

You hesitantly took his hand on yours, standing up and readjusting yourself. You stared right at his eyes. They were a striking blue color. You swore you had heard from others that they were brown like almonds.

"What's your name?"

He asked letting go of your hand. It made you feel empty, but nevertheless you answered.

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