Darius x Male Reader

692 16 1

Title: "Opposites Attract"

Note: I took some stuff from Castlevania, specifically the planning part. I'm in no way shape or form a war strategy genius.

"Could be so."

Swain mumbled quietly. Darius nodded at his comment as they both thought of strategies for their next attack. Their talk was suddenly interrupted as you stormed into the office, a map in hand. They looked over at you, confused.

"I had the cartographer make me one, since you wouldn't let me borrow yours. Quite selfish of you, if I may say so, Grand-General Swain."

You rolled out the map of Runeterra on Swain's desk, pointing your finger at Noxus.

"Take a look at this. This is us."

You drift your finger to the side west of Ionia.

"We have been struggling to project our power west. Too many strong forces "

You slide your finger across the other side to the east of Ionia.

"But if we look east, we see an entire region fractured and devastated from panic from our last attack. They've been thrown into utter chaos. Each of them have been hopelessly splintered."

You moved your finger once again to the northern side of Ionia.

"From east to north, we could slowly take each small region. From what we have observed so far, there are almost no real power structure or organizations."

You take a miniature Leviathan piece Swain had on his desk on your hand. You inspect it for a second, placing it down on the map.

"We could start our attack from here."

Silence filled the meeting room, as you moved the piece on the map. You stood up straight, focusing on the piece.

"I suggest we let them be given the choice of surrender first. If they surrender, we could gather more canon fodder for our next attack. If they resist, then we can send out our troops to take care of them. Either way, it would already be a winning battle for us."

You look over to Swain pausing as he nods, listening to your speech. You walked over to the other side of the table, grabbing a quill. Dipping it in ink before circling the area around the piece.

"This could give us the opportunity to gain more allies, resources, and land. If we play this right, then we could secure nearly 800 miles of territory. That could be enough for us to break through the entire region. It might take a while, but the rewards we get for it are worth it. Once we take Ionia, we could take Demacia."

You finally look back at them, seeing both of them with a neutral expression on their face. You rolled your eyes

"Do you two agree or not? I just need a yes or a no."

Darius was first to respond, stepping right in front of you. Staring into your eyes

"You are foolish to believe that that plan will work. Just like how you always are. We must invade Ionia at once. Staying for too long will only hinder our progress to take Demacia."

You furrowed your eyebrows, angered at his statement.

"Do you not to see my point? We must gather resources from Ionia to ensure victory against Demacia. Attacking them too early could cause Noxus' downfall! Get it through your head you brainless piece of muscle."

You stated angrily, staring right back at him. You knew damn well that his plan was too reckless. You knew that he probably didn't even think of the consequences to his plan, before spitting it out. You both glared at each other, annoyed at the other.

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