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("The Upside Down" II)

PENNY AND STEVE WALKED INSIDE THE HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM. As soon as she stepped in, her dad walked to her and pulled her into a hug. The scent of cigarettes found its way into Penny's nose, causing her to scrunch it up. While the father and daughter embraced, Steve awkwardly stood off to the side.

"I'm okay," Penny whispered to her father. She was okay. Or at least she thought she was.

Jim pulled out of the hug and kissed her forehead. "Thank you for not dying."

Penny chuckled quietly at his words. "You should thank Steve, too," Penny pointed out, pointing her thumb in his direction.

Jim looked at Steve and grabbed his hand. He gave it a firm shake. "Thanks."

"It wasn't all me. Penny helped me too," Steve mentioned. "Your daughter's pretty cool."

Hopper looked back and forth at the teens with a small smile, before going back to his seat.

"I'm gonna sit down," Steve informed Penny. He put his hand on her arm and went to take the empty seat next to Ted Wheeler. Penny walked over to the seat next to Steve and sat down.

"I guess we're each others' knight in shining armor," Steve whispered, leaning up to Penny's ear, once she sat down.

"I guess," she agreed. Penny turned her head away from the boy and her eyes landed on Lucas, Dustin, and Frank who were asleep. She smiled at the three boys fondly. Although Penny was confused why Frank was asleep, since she and Steve left a minute after Jonathan did. She ignored the thought and waited for any news.


Jonathan walked into the quiet room of people who were either sleeping or waiting. The people who were awake looked up at him. He mouthed something and Mike stood up to wake Lucas, Dustin, and Frank.

"Guys. Guys, he's up. Will is up. Guys, Will is up," Mike said, shaking the boys awake causing them to let out a grunt. "Guys, come on," he said, leading the three other boys out of the room.

Steve shook Penny awake, watching the boys exit the waiting room. The curly-haired girl lifted her head off of his shoulder and looked at him with confusion.

"What?" she questioned groggily.

"He's up," he revealed.

Penny stood up from her seat so fast it looked like she jumped up and she sprinted out of the waiting room to go into the room Will was placed in. She followed closely behind the other boys and walked in, just as Mike shouted, "Byers."

Dustin let out a laugh, upon seeing Will and he and the other boys ran up to the retrieved boy. Penny stood at the door and smiled.

"Be careful. be careful with him," Joyce scolded the boys who were hugging her son.

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ; STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now