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("The Hellfire Club" II)

CHARLIE HOPPER-BYERS WALKED AROUND HIS BEDROOM, LOOKING FOR HIS FAVORITE T-SHIRT. The boy had decided to pack at the last minute, despite the fact that his plane was leaving that night. The boy searched every corner. His cluttered room didn't make it any easier to find his shirt.

"Where is it?" he spoke frustratedly. The boy's blue eyes brightened, catching sight of his Pier 31 shirt right by his bed. He picked it up and stuffed it in his duffel bag.

The blond stopped packing momentarily and looked at the hamster running on its wheel. The boy smiled sadly, realizing how much he'd miss the creature. He strolled over to the animal. Charlie placed a hand on the cage, before speaking, "I'm gonna miss you so much, man."

The hamster didn't even stop running on his wheel, as the blond spoke. Charlie was slightly offended by the action, but brushed it off anyway. He continued to pack his belongings, until he felt as though he had everything he needed.

He decided to change into a Hawaiian shirt and keep it open so he could show off his brand-new Fantastic Four t-shirt. He bought it the other week, with no hesitation. He had been waiting for the right moment to show it off, and with today being the day he would go on spring break, it just felt right.

Once he was ready, Charlie put his backpack straps over both of his shoulders and slung his duffel across his body. He said one final goodbye to Rhino and his room, before exiting it. He walked down the steps of the upper-level of the house.

Charlie stepped into the kitchen and grabbed a toaster strudel. He ate it, making crumbs fall on his shirt. The boy wiped it off, annoyed.

Joyce entered the kitchen, surprised to see her son with so many bags on.

"Charlie, sweetie, take a bag off," she said, concerned in her mom voice.

Charlie used his free hand to take off his duffel bag. He then continued to eat his pastry, as he looked at Joyce with a smile. "Mornin'."

Joyce let out a laugh at the boy's voice. It was amusing because he was talking as he ate, which caused his voice to be muffled. "Morning, Charlie. How'd you sleep?"

Charlie swallowed. "Alright, I guess. I didn't get a lot of sleep though. But that was just because I was excited."

The woman nodded. "You all packed? Do you have everything?"

The blond let out a chuckle. "Yeah. Although it took me, like, ten years. But, don't worry, MJ, I have everything."

The woman smiled at the name "MJ". Charlie had decided to call her that, because he didn't just want to call her Joyce. She had done so much for him. She wasn't just Joyce to him. Joyce was like his mom. So he called her MJ, which stood for Mom Joyce. It was a compromise between the two names as Charlie liked to say.

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ; STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now