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("The Dive" I)

PENNY SAT ON THE EDGE OF HER BED, A BOOK IN HER HAND. She read over the words slowly, trying to block out all the fear clouding her brain—it didn't work. The girl closed the novel in her hands and turned her head side to see the early morning light protruding through the windows.

Penny yawned before she stood up and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, where a box of store-bought blueberry muffins was calling her name. Penny opened up a package and grabbed the pastry. She bit into it and smiled in satisfaction. Penny was so immersed in eating her muffin, she didn't notice Charlie and Steve staring at her.

"Are you ready?" Charlie questioned, pulling up the headphones of Penny's Walkman. He pressed play on the Walkman, and "Bohemian Rhapsody" played for what felt like the millionth time.

Penny let out an awkward laugh, wiping the crumbs off the corner of her mouth. "Yes. Yep. Let's go."

"You don't even have shoes on," Charlie notified.

Penny looked down at her barefoot feet and nodded. She placed her muffin on the counter, not even eating half of it. "I'm gonna put some shoes on. I'll be back."

Penny exited the kitchen and walked back into her room. She threw open the door of the closet and began rumaging for an appropriate pair of shoes, as Toto walked around her feet. She grabbed the closest shoes she could find—her Doc Martens—and her leather jacket. Penny put he jacket on over her dark striped t-shirt. Then, she put on socks and slipped on her shoes.

Before leaving the room, Penny made sure to say bye to Toto and grab her backpack. She exited the room, out of breath.

"Okay, I'm ready," the Hopper girl revealed, startling Steve and Charlie. The two boys stared at her with confusion, wondering why she was so out of breath from putting on shoes and a jacket, but they ignored the thought..

"Well let's go. Nancy wants us at her house in, like, fifteen minutes," Charlie announced. He walked off, not even bothering to see if Steve and Penny were behind him.

The couple didn't follow and just chuckled in amusement, as the blond walked out of the apartment with a pep in his step.

"I love your brother," Steve revealed, picking Penny's backpack up off the floor. The girl smiled at the gesture and grabbed it, with a smile on her face.

"Who doesn't?" Penny remarked, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. Steve laughed at her comment, as she grabbed his hand trying to suppress her own laughter.

Toto came out of the bedroom, his tiny paws pattering against the floor. Steve and Penny turned around and smiled at the furry creature. Penny bent down and rubbed her ring-covered fingers through his fur.

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ; STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now