Nashi's First Solo Mission

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Nashi, 11 years old


I Lost My Nikora!

Job Location: Magnolia

Job Description: Almost a weeks ago I lost my little friend. He is a celestial spirit, and doesn't seem to listen to me anymore. I don't know what I did to hurt his feelings, I just want him home safely. He looks like a little snowman. He is very shy, so be gentle.

Reward: 10,000 Jewels


Poor Nikora, I'd do my best to find it, Nashi's exact thought while she was marching towards her auntie Mira, she and the other kids are allowed to take job requests now, but only if it pass the certain requirements, first it is inside Magnolia only and second if they tell Mira before they leave. 

Their parents agree that its best for them, they worry of the kids safety but after all they are wizards.

"Alright, this one is a perfect match for you Nashi, be back before dark!" Mira waved goodbye to Nashi, she's the second to leave alone today, for Rose also took a solo mission as a helper in harvest at a farm nearby. Emma and Greige took a job together as life guards at the town public pool for kids. 

Nashi meet up with the owner that posted the flyer, she was surprised to fin out that they were almost as the same age, she is Leilani, a practicing Celestial Wizard, her family just went to visit Magnolia and her Nikora was her first spirit too, its just that she lacks knowledge in celestial spirits because she was a first celestial wizard in her family.

Leilani herself was searching the town yet she thought it would be faster to get help, so Nashi and Leilani split ways in finding the lost Nikora.

Nashi summoned her own Nikora, Fluffy so she have some company while walking around town. "Come here Fluffy, we'll buy more candies, but it's not all for you okay," her Nikora just nod to show that it agrees.

This so far is the biggest candy haul she ever did, she ended up pulling a small wagon filled with candies, she thought that she might attract the lost Nikora with candies. She at least need a strategy and also she is worried that its now feeling week and hungry. 

She passed by several landmarks already but still has no signs of a wandering Nikora. "Okay, Fluffy, your turn to pick a place, where do you think that missing Nikora is hiding?" Nashi said while unfolding a Magnolia Map in front of her pink Nikora.

Fluffy put her hands on top of Magnolia's playground it was near the Sakura tree, she thought that Fluffy just wants to play but either way they needed a break so they headed tp the park.

Once they arrived at the playground, Fluffy started to murmur phrases she can't understand, but it sound like she was excited and really happy, "Do you want to play Fluffy? my legs are tired but you can play, I'll watch over you," Nashi said while she pat Fluffy's head.

But instead of leaving her, Fluffy went behind her back to push her legs to continue walking forward, "Oh, you want me to follow you?" She said while looking down behind at her little spirit.

Fluffy nod her head, "Alright then, lead the way," Nashi slowly followed behind Fluffy's steps, until they reach the small play house at the slide, Fluffy jumped up and down till Nashi pick her up, she carried Fluffy and went inside.

"There you are!" Nashi smiled when she saw the lost Nikora, she reached out for him but just as expected he was really shy. Fluffy took a candy from their wagon and gave it to the other Nikora, he eventually took it and enjoyed eating the candy.

He sure is hungry, Nashi thought as she is now resting, while watching the two Nikora's enjoy the candies.

"Do you want to go home now?" Nashi asked as soon as the Nikora was comfortable around her.

The Nikora just nod its head, he was really shy at first but now it was clinging closely to her, he feel really tired now.

Nashi remembered was her mother told her, other celestial spirits, especially the silver keys really need to go back to their world, they are not suppose to stay for too long outside. Except for Leo the Lion, for several occasions Loke participated in the guild's celebration without bothering to tap in into Lucy's powers.

"You know your not supposed to stay here for too long, is there a problem?" Nashi asked carefully while they are walking back to the rendezvous they agreed.

The Nikora just pointed back to the playground, Nashi couldn't really make up something from that response, but she guess it has something to do with playing.

"Alli!" Leilani came running towards them, she reached out for her Nikora, at first he wont let her hug him, but it then let down his guard and hugged her back.

"Thank you so much Nashi," the girl said as she also give Nashi a warm hug. 

They talked for a few minutes, Nashi shared everything that she knows about taking care of a Nikora, and how to try to communicate with them. Lucy and Plue seems to communicate very well, that is what Nashi aims for her and Fluffy.

Nashi also told Leilani that she found Alli in the playground, Leilani said it was maybe because Alli was sulking because she missed their scheduled playdates because she's busy with school works.

After sharing a meal, Leilani paid nashi with the promised reward. The two girls became friends and so if Alli and Fluffy. Before they part ways, the two girls connected their lacrimas information to keep in touch.

That day, Nashi successfully finished a mission on her own and gained a friend.

Do you love the Celestial Spirit, Nikora? 

I'd love one for myself too! Sooo cute!!

Mission Details from Fairy Tail's Request Board at

Happy Reading, xx

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