Chapter 13

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After that, the car was completely silent. She had never spoken that freely about her situation and it definitely hadn't been easy to say all of that but her emotions had taken over her. Ethan gently wrapped his arm around her, wiping her face. Was she crying? How come she hadn't realized that? She wanted to stay strong but she almost threw herself into his arms, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. "It's okay, Vic...nobody blames you for your feelings. You deserve to be supported as well.", he whispered as he started caressing her back. It was incredibly hard for her to see Damiano so hurt...but it was even worse now because he just seemed completely empty, not talking...not looking at her...not even showing the slightest reaction whatsoever. That worried her more than anything ever before...silence was dangerous. She clung onto Ethan, desperately longing for the support he was giving her. "I don't want to lose him, Ethan...I'm scared." "I know you are and that is absolutely okay. You are allowed to be scared, Vic...everyone understands that. But you are the only one who can actually help him or at least calm him down a can always count on me but in the end he needs you...only you."

As soon as they were back home, she followed Damiano up to their room. He wasn't even inside yet, when his body started cramping and he collapsed on the ground, basically crawling into the bathroom. He didn't make it to the toilet though, throwing up all over the floor. It was probably a reaction to the extreme stress he had been exposed to all day long. "Shit...", she mumbled, throwing her jacket and her handbag into a corner before rushing to his side. He was covered in was all over the floor and in any other situation she would have thrown up as well because it was absolutely disgusting but for some reason her body was so filled with adrenaline that she didn't. She didn't even care that she got his vomit all over herself as well when she pulled him into a comforting hug. He was shaking, now clinging onto her: "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I...I'll clean it up I...I promise..." She held him close, placing a soft kiss on his head: "Don't apologize,'s all good. You did nothing wrong. Try to take some deep breaths...I know you're scared and hurt and depressed and that's okay but I can't have you pass out.", she explained calmly as she noticed how much he was shaking and that he seemed to be struggling with getting air into his lungs. She wanted to get up but he immediately clung onto her: "Don't leave...don't leave...I promise I...I'll be stronger...I...I...I'm so sorry...don't...don't leave...please...", he was choking up on his tears, presumably making it even harder for him to breathe. "I'm not leaving, Angel...", she took him into her arms again, holding him close: "Come on...maybe you can stand up with me..." she offered and very slowly got up, making him sit down on the closed toilet: "It's okay, honey...I'll stay right here...I just gotta clean this up a bit..." She cleaned the floor as fast as it was even possible, always trying to stay very close to him in case he would panic again. It wasn't easy but she managed to clean it up enough so it was possible to walk on the floor again. She grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet: "We're gonna take a shower now, Angel. I know you probably don't want to but we have to, okay?" He didn't respond, staring at the ground. He was probably extremely traumatized from the events that had occurred that day.

She was very careful while taking off his clothes, hoping not to trigger any bad reactions. He closed his eyes in shame when she took off his jacket and the hoodie with the ripped off sleeves but he didn't say a single word. She hated that. Him not saying anything was worse than him screaming and crying because like this she couldn't tell how bad his situation was. He got extremely tense when she was taking off his pants and boxers and then he tensed up even more when she was taking her own clothes off but still, no words were spoken. Now both of them naked, she slowly guided him into the shower. Underneath the hot water the pressure seemed to go away a little and he was able to let his tears out. Maybe it was because you couldn't differentiate between tears and water. But still, Victoria knew he was crying. She always knew. She brought him closer, carefully embracing him and almost immediately he melted into her arms. Weirdly enough it wasn't awkward even though both of them were completely naked. Something about feeling his skin on her own made this scene very special for was calming. And even though he was crying, once again she was able to find extreme beauty in this because she knew nobody would ever have what she and him had. It was awfully hard to see him suffer but at the same time it was tragically delightful. He still wasn't saying a single word, just holding onto her and letting his tears flow freely. "I love you, Angel...I don't know how much you actually heard during the car ride but everything I said was true.", she whispered, caressing his lower back. "I...I h-heard every...everything...", he whispered back and pulled away just a tiny little bit before placing his lips on hers. Once again she let him lead...that was important now because only he knew for certain what his boundaries were. It was a very emotional kiss, filled with sadness and desperation. She wasn't sure why and maybe she was just paranoid but she felt like this kiss was a cry for help...something about it was just different. She moved her lips slowly, following his pace. She was doing her best to show him that she was there for him...that she loved him and that she would do anything to make him feel better and protect him. His kisses were very light and soft, barely more than a gentle breeze in the wind but she could sense every single thing he was feeling. And in that moment she knew that this was the beginning of a very very dark and hard time.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

So...would you like to see more emotional scenes for Vic? Do you think she is right with her prediction of it getting even harder and darker? What do you think is going to happen and what does it mean for their relationship? Let me know in the comments :)

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now