Ice cream Accident(Dream)

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I grabbed my f/i/c/f and turned around to be met with a person. Dropping my ice cream I said,"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going".Looking up at the figure, they had fluffy blond hair, beautiful green eyes, and smooth skin.

"No it's my fault, let me get you another ice cream," the person said.

"No no its fine, I dont have to have ice cream","no I'm getting you another ice cream and that's final".

I sigh in defeat and order again, this time of course him paying."Thanks but you didn't have to," I tell the person.

"No problem, also I was gonna wait till you noticed but you didn't so, you have so ice cream on your nose," the person says pointing to my nose.

I quickly grab a napkin and wipe my nose. Saying thank you, we started a conversation.


"Thank you I had a good time today," I told dream."Of course," he spoke with a smile. I gave him my number and waved to him, shouting 'BYE'. He waved back matching my energy and saying 'BYE' back.

I walked away and headed home....

Who knew ice cream could get you a crush
Sorry it's short but it's sweet.

I hope you enjoyed the story, stay healthy and drink water. Have a good day or night wherever you are. BYE

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