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   Life was hard for our male protagonist. He wasn't able to find decent work due to most jobs requiring a certain amount of strength or a vision. Him being sheltered and protected from the outside world for most of his life didn't help him either. He couldn't do commissions, couldn't be a butcher, couldn't be a blacksmith, and he surely couldn't join the Knights of Favonius. There was only two jobs in Mondstadt he was sure he was capable of and that was helping Sara at Good Hunter or helping Flora at Floral Whisper. But he wasn't interested in either. Both required social interaction and communication, both of which he was terrible at. That brings him to Lisa. He doesn't quite remember how he managed to become her apprentice, but he knows it involved Cecilia flowers.
He stumbled into the Library, looking for books on pyro slimes  when he heard a familiar voice further inside.

(Your POV)
"Paimon thinks Lisa's serious side is scary. I wouldn't want to have a overdue book from her, ever." I heard a small voice shudder.
I snickered silently in agreement. One time I saw Lisa threatened someone with her Electro vision because the cover was slightly covered grease from a sticky honey roast. Of course, I had to persuade the fierce librarian to calm down before the library received a bad reputation. Turning back to my duties, I rearrange and stock books into the shelf labeled "Monsters".
As mentioned in its shelving title, it's holds books ranging in monster species, behaviors, even language although the books in that certain department are thin and scarce. It seems as though no one was really interested in learning or writing about languages from species other than their own. I'm somewhat annoyed by this because there are too many stories of monster attacks and yet we decide to not try to understand why. Snapping out of my thoughts, I'm surprised to see the little floating companion of Mondstadts' Honorary Knight even acknowledging my presence.
"Hey you, you come here often. Do you know where we could find a book called 'Teyvat Travel Guide' ?" She asks.
I ponder for a bit, knowing I happened to see that book just a while ago, but before I could open my mouth, Lisa let's out a hum.
"I would love to help, but I have to get some missing books back." She sighs before perking up.
"Perhaps if you could assist me, I would be able to help you faster." She smiles towards the Traveler before he nods and soon they leave the library. I shrug before heading to where I remember seeing the book and pulling it out with a smile, putting it in my bag so I could give it to them later and not forget its location. Soon I'm done organizing the shelf, or... I would be if a certain book didn't catch my eye. The cover is title-less and it's pages are surprisingly full despite it being on an unusual topic.
It was on a certain language I didn't know existed.
The language of the Churls.
I was fascinated by its contents, I wasn't even aware that they had a language but yet again, I never got close enough to one to hear any forms of communication. I sat in the library for hours, silently reading through and sounding out words and phrases from the book, feeling myself beam at the idea of new information. I knew I would forget most of this but maybe if Lisa would let me borrow the book time to time, I could learn a lot. I wasn't even half way through the book before I heard the familiar voice of my boss.
"Thank you Traveler, I had a wonderful date." She giggled lightly.
I almost giggled too at Paimon's face before remembering the book.
I awkwardly make my way to the Honorary Knight before tapping him and holding the book out to him.
"I found it while you were out, so I held on to it for you." I say. He sends me a nod and smile before taking the book from my slightly shaky hands. He almost leaves the library before I pulled Paimon by her sleeve.
"And..." I pause and pull something from my bag.
"I have a gift for you." I say with a smile while handing her a tray of almond tofu. It was enclosed so nothing would fall out and so it kept its warmth. I see her eyes sparkle as she opens it and sees the tofu.
"Is this really all for Paimon?" She asks excitedly. I nod and give her a closed-eye smile.
"Paimon's decision is final. You have to come with us now." She said and without another second, she grabs my collar and drags me out the library and towards the Traveler.
"Paimon, why are you dragging random people?" He asks, deadpanning as if she's done it before.
"Paimon likes this boy." She huffed.
"He gave Paimon yummy food and he smells like books." She beamed while kicking her feet.
They go back and fourth on why I should or should not be here while I slowly inch my way back.
"Did you make this?" Paimon suddenly spins towards me, a half bitten piece of tofu in her hand.
"Yes, I did." As if it was possible, her smile widened.
"How would you like to work for the Honorary Knight of Mondstadt?" She chimes eagerly. She puffs her cheeks for some odd reason and I can't help but giggle at her chubby face.
"I would have to ask Ms. Lisa, she's my boss." I muse. She pouts before zooming back into the library, leaving me and the Knight alone. I'm pretty sure his name is Aether, or at least that's the name Paimon said a lot during their mini-argument.
It was awkward being alone with him, seeing as he didn't want me here in the first place. I did everything I could to avoid his eyes,
There wasn't many other places I could look without meeting the gaze of a guard, but I managed. It felt like half an hour before Paimon re-emerged, but looking at the clock it showed at least 3 minutes has past.
"Lisa said you could come and to pick out some books to read along the way." She says with a pep in her step- or float? Hover?
Making my way back, I meet Ms. Lisa at the same shelf I was organizing earlier.
"You did a good job here, sweetie. Make sure to pick out something to read and to take your pay for today." She pats my head.
Now for the hard part. What book-
I know exactly which book to get first.
I hurriedly grab the book from before along with a book on flowers and herbs, and a book on recipes. I show the books to Ms. Lisa and she thinks for a bit before exclaiming that I should keep the books for myself. Free of charge. I was baffled by her decision, but nonetheless I thank her and meet back up with the duo.
I wonder where were even going.

Mitachurl x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now