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The mint leaves and lemon peels I've kept deemed to serve their purpose for lunch time. It is time to introduce tea to the family's meals! A short while after being awoken from my nap, I picked up a small dagger and trudged my way into a wider area of the river, looking for fish to serve for lunch. Following the water, I look for any signs of movement and pray everything didn't already go into hibernation. It's still early winter so I was hoping I'll get lucky for once. My eyes quipped over to a sudden ripple in the water and I see the familiar spotted fish known as trout. They swim slower and are less enthusiastic but that just makes them easier to catch in my opinion. Before I could make a move, a flash of grey that I'm well acquainted with enters my vision.

"Razor?" I call out, realizing too late it might be a wolf. I scrunch down just to hide myself as the figure approaches and I can see them.

"Oh, it is you!" Razor makes his way towards me speedily, almost scaring the fish away but I gesture for him to slow down.

"It's good to see you again." I say in a hushed tone, still eyeballing the fish to keep tabs.

"Razor is happy to see you too. Razor see hilichurl camp close, got worried about you." He responds. My eyes slightly widen at the mention of my friends and I hesitantly ask,

"Are you going to do something to them?"

He looks at me for a second before returning his look to the trees.

"No, they cause no trouble yet." He admits. I take a silent breath, realizing we are attracting more people who want the camp gone. With a heavy toll on my shoulders, I get back up and resume my task having to travel a bit of distance to catch up to the trout. Equipping my dagger, I silently slip into the cold water and stalk closer, grabbing one with a quick jump and quickly putting it out of commission. With one down and about eight more to go, I take no time to celebrate my first catch and instead place the fish a moderately sized pot I've brought along. I get risky and lung for two fishes at the same time, grabbing one's tail and the other by it's gills. I almost retract my hand by the odd feeling but suppress the reflex and handle the two catches. Although the fish is considered medium sized by some, it's a shark in my eyes so I seem to always be cautious when getting close to them. I sneakingly glance towards my companion, noticing him taking a sip of the freezing cold water and gathering some more in a container. I turn my attention back and see there are no more fish, so I gather what I have and get out of the water with shivering hands.

"Hey Razor, are you coming?" I ask and he nods and trails behind me. I gush inwardly at his puppy-like behavior as we travel further in hopes of catching more fish. As a sign of appreciation, I toss Razor a cut of sugar cane as a snack and he merrily snaps the end and suckles the treat. I take my own piece to nibble on in the meantime. A sudden trickling sound rings in my ears and my head snaps in the direction, finding more trout. I hand my sweet over to Razor for safekeeping before getting back into the water and grabbing more trout. There was more than needed so I left the extras to continue their life-cycle but not before catching two for the silver-haired male.

I hand the fish to him as we make our way back, him leading since I got a bit lost and disorientated in the chilling waters. I shudder and hold my arms to trap my body heat, thankful for the longer garments I replaced my shorts with. We reach our destination quickly but I'm stopped briefly.

"What is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Y/n." I inform.

"Y/n. You go around hilichurls, Razor can tell." He stares me down suspiciously.

"Ah, you knew?" I ask in bewilderment.

"We don't cause any harm, they are really nice, to me at least." I try to justify myself but he doesn't buy it, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"I could try to introduce you." I try again, hoping to ward off a potential enemy towards the camp.

"Hmm. Yes, but if Razor attacked, Razor fights back." He concludes, not leaving any room for objections. I rush after him after seeing him stomping towards my friends, intervening before any trouble could rise up.

"Vopa!" I call out, and she pops up a few moments later.

Upon seeing the newcomer, she visibly becomes wary, approaching from my side to avoid him.

"Why he here? Looks bad." She pulls me into a protective hug, inspecting Razor in a 'Mama-bird' type of stance.

"Razor no bad! Razor is nice." He crosses his arms.

"He helped me get food before, and today he helped me get back and kept me company." I explain, deescalating the situation.

"Y/n friend? Vopa friend!" She stands neutral, ruffling both of our heads softly and walking us back home.

"I'm making something with fish but I'm not sure how I want to cook it." I sigh, plopping the pot of fish down in a elevated patch of grass next the the river. I decide to just remove the scales, head, and innards for now and let inspiration hit me when I'm done. It's easy to use the back of the dagger the remove the scales so it was a one-tool-job and by the time I was done, I decided to steam it. Because steaming doesn't require much work, I was able to relax once the lid was plopped down.

"Where did Razor go?" I ask out loud, and an older churl points to where Sama usually hangs around. I feel a sense of dread as I shuffle over seeing the two are simply talking, but that doesn't ease my nerves.

"What are you two talking about?" I ask, worried for some reason.

"Y/n! Razor teach Sama new words." Razor exclaims confidently, peaking my curiosity.

I look over to Sama, hoping to hear what he learned and he jumps up excitedly.

"Mama!" He shouts eagerly.

"Huh!?" I become startled by this, looking back to Razor only to notice a smug face.

"Razor heard that Y/n cooks yummy food, super nice, super smart. Razor thinks Y/n is a mom for hilichurls." He says with a matter-of-fact tone in his voice. I deadpan, internally crying about the fact that Sama is going to start calling me 'Mama' but I guess it can't be helped.

"Wait, why mom? I'm not a girl." I ask.

"Hmm. No, Y/n sound more like mom." He dismisses me quickly, running off with Sama to quote on quote, "take a walk" but those two chaotic souls are probably pouncing on weasels and squirrels. The image of Razor with puppy ears pouncing on a squirrel fills my head and I laugh loudly, remembering my earlier analogy. Back at the main campfire, I brew up some honey-lemon tea and decide to make honey-mint tea as a drink for a dessert instead.

"Bon Appétit!" I announce as the group seat themselves down.

"Bone apple teeth?" Nihe questions, being one of the hilichurls who rely more on gestures than speech.

"It's an expression that means 'let's eat' in a sense." I explain.

"And Sama, I saw you skip past when it was time to wash your hands, go do that please. We'll wait until you come back." I add.

"Yes, Mama." He skids off and I facepalm with a flushed face.

"Please don't let him make that a habit." I plead to myself.

"He calls you mama now?" I hear a snicker.

"Don't tease me." I say with a fake cry.

"Y/n has big family!" Razor says and a few others nod. I slouch down, placing my head in my hands out of embarrassment. A soothing motion is placed on my back in a comforting way and I leaning into it, embracing it away from the chilling air.

I mumble a thanks towards to the person who I am certain is rubbing my back, getting a deep-voiced hum in return. Sama stumbles back out of breath and plops down again, ready to eat.

"Okay, we can eat now." I laugh and we all dig in.

Razor would be the type to be a chaotic older brother for Sama. If you manage to change my mind then just know you actually didn't.

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