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   I never thought I'll be spending a week's worth of pay on ingredients, but the thought of seeing Sama with boiled, flavorless, and spice-less food is haunting me. I also couldn't shake the feeling of pride of seeing the group eat my food happily. The look on Blanche's face was also a bonus as I nearly swept out her entire inventory. My bag become heavy and I had to also carry a backpack just to fit the rest of my purchases, but it was worth it.
Entering the library, Ms. Lisa greets me, giving me a list of things to do for today which involved sweeping, restocking, organizing, and dusting the shelves. The list was a tad bit longer but I guess it's from the work I missed from tailing along with Aether...
Where IS he? I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of him this morning when I was at Sara's picking up some skewers, or maybe I saw someone else with blonde hair.
Who else in Mondstadt has blonde hair anyways?
"Y/n, are you alright there sweetie?" I hear my employer call out. I snap out of the clouds and send her a nod before carrying on with my duties. Today's tasks were more tiring for some reason, there were more books than usual and it seemed there is somehow more dust and dirt to clean as well. There's even more people coming in that I have to help find books for. To put it simply, I was exhausted by the end of the day, especially when one person thought that they should roughhouse with their friend in the history section, knocking many books down.
And we all know history books are the heaviest.
I couldn't even scold them because they looked bigger and stronger, so I left it to Ms. Lisa and quickly picked up and rearranged the books. By the time I was ready for my lunch break, I heard the familiar childish voice of Paimon. And when there's Paimon, there's Aether.
I kind of didn't want to see them, not after they decided that coming back for me was too much of a struggle... apparently, but I stomped on the grudge and tried to be reasonable.
I quickly ate my mushroom skewer, saving the other one for later before hopping up and assisting them.
"Hey, it's Tofu boy!" Paimon beams.
It's Y/n. I thought, faintly annoyed.
"Do you need more help with finding a book?" I ask, putting on my professional smile. I almost wanted to ask them the question that's been on my mind all day, but they looked busy.
"No thanks, we're here to talk to Lisa." She rushes past me, going straight to my bag that I left on a nearby table.
"Is that what I think it is?" Her hand reaches for my bag, about to disrespect my personal boundaries before I quickly snatch it away.
"I would appreciate if you didn't look through my things." I say, smile still on my face. She huffs and goes back to Aether who is discussing documents with Ms. Lisa. I bite the inside of my cheek, feeling slightly upset before writing a note about finishing my shift, and leaving. I head to my house, grumbling on the way and head inside. I wanted to take a nap before I leave out, but knowing them, they'll try to boil beef before then.
Okay forget a nap, I need to go quickly.
Putting on my bags, and taking actual cooking utensils, I head off, taking the side entrance to avoid weird looks.
By the time I got to the camp, one of the churls were already lighting to pot, about to cook.
And yes, I did miss their breakfast and lunch, but there's no way I will let their dinner be a fail.
Rushing in with one more burst of energy, I yell out for them to stop cooking, immediately removing the luggage from my aching shoulders.
I take a breather, filling my lungs with their recently denied amount of air before straightening my posture.
"Sama?" I call out, noticing that he was no where nearby. Perhaps he will come out later?
"Hmm? Y/n." I hear Kumo before I could see him, but when I do I notice the obvious extra lump on his back.
"Y/n, Y/n." Sama jumps off of the other's back, singing my name and dancing a little jig.
"Hello, are you ready for dinner?" I ask him and of course, Kumo translates. Sama bounces, waving his staff and singing yet another song of incoherent words. I sigh inwardly, before getting to work with chopping and seasoning  a couple cuts of pork. I've decided that I should make more warmer foods seeing as it's getting cold and Sama still needs easily digestible food so his body can exert the energy into healing the still present wound. I looked at the carrots in my hand, deciding to put extra effort into cutting them into stars and other basic shapes. Instead of a more thicker soup, I opted for something more thin to make it easier to eat and get warmed up by. Or should I make a neutral dish? They have fur? Hair? Well, they have covering that seems pretty warm but is it warm enough? I shrug to myself before adding the final ingredients and cover the pot to let the steam cook the top.
"He says he wants to know what your making." Kumo suddenly speaks. Im guessing he translating for Sama, but I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to even realize the childish churl was speaking.
"Im making a vegetable soup with a few chilis to help build your immune system. And im just cooking some pork cuts to have on the side, since the soup is pretty thin." I explain, making sure to leave time for Kumo to relay the words to Sama. They both nod, considering my actions and agreeing. Couldn't tell what they were agreeing about but I'm glad they approved of something I did.
"By the way, how old is Sama?" I ask.
"He is how you would say, a 'teen' I think." Kumo replies.
Oh that's sweet....... A what now?

Y/n keeps bringing up the boiling food because it is a serious issue. If you or anyone you know boils or eats boiled and tasteless food, please dial 347-420-FOOD.
Also, can you tell I love cooking?
Sama over here living the life.

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