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Sorry for the delays.

The rainy days we've experienced so far have long slipped away and turned cold. It was getting harder to keep warm and most days I've found myself switching my usual exploration out for lounging. Seeing how susceptible the others are to the cold now that it's able to nick under their skin, I tried to make heavier coverings for them instead of those loin-cloths. Now we see many of them sporting cloaks or even hoods to fight against the cold. I would be lying if I said I didn't spend most of my laying about stuck to a certain someone's side. Kumo not only provided a huge amount of warmth, but the hugs and small talks we had was enough to make the chilly afternoons less devastating.

"Ku, do you still think we will need to move?" I ask the most frequent question that's been popping up in my head. I don't get an answer at first, just a low and thoughtful hum. No matter how much I wish to stay I know it's dangerous for the others. And since word might be getting around that a human is hanging out with hilichurls, my life might not be as peachy as I hoped it'll be.

It didn't come as a surprise to see many things being packed up and collapsed in to be tied down. I knew it would happen when everyone hesitantly asked me to start making extra meals that could be stored. I never brought it up though, knowing they were already upset to be dragging me further from the place I grew up in. But, being gently waken up and told that we had to go soon struck me harder than any news. I knew it was happening but I couldn't believe it.

The initial shock I felt subsided with reason. Reasons why we had to move, reasons why Mondstadt was never really a home, and reasons why I wanted to stay with Kumo and the others. The feeling of dread washed off of my shoulders and I showed the others that I was fine the best way I could.

With food.

The night before I knew we would leave, I took extra care into finding and collecting the chilled combs that bees filled with honey. Seeing as bees don't hibernate and that the hives are now only filled with the queen bee and worker bees, I had to make sure to not take too much and to not instigate a stinging session. The honey was chilled and didn't drip as I collected it and the bees were oddly calm. I didn't dwell on it and kept the honey slices in a jar to later eat the honey and combs as a sweet treat. I arrive back at early morning, losing track of time as I slipped into camp as the sky was dull shade of orange and magenta, snowflakes already starting to fall lightly. As I made myself known, I was engulfed in a desperate hug that was almost painful.

"What happened?" My voice was muffled but still heard. Nihe pulls back from the cobra-like hug, still holding onto me.

"Mimi eleka odomu movo." She sulks, a small tremble laced into her face. I sadden as well, feeling guilty for her negative thoughts. I hug her again, assuring her that I would never leave them. I look around and see the relieved faces of many others.

"Why you leave!" A sudden smack on my head disrupts the solemn atmosphere causing the younger ones to laugh.

"Vopa?" I turn around to confirm my suspicion and sure enough, it's her.

"I didn't mean to cause trouble." I rub my aching head, glaring at her buoyantly before hiding the jug. The quick movement catches her eye but I quickly signal her to remain quite, letting her know it is a surprise. Seeing everyone still moping on the potential idea that they are putting me in emotional distress, I sigh loudly, catching their attention.

"I remember saying once..." I start off with mischievous in my tone.

"...How much home meant to me." I continue.

"I said that home was fun and sweet. That I consider my home the best and I would rather stay there."

Sad looks.

"I don't remember going back after saying that. I might've taken a few trips but I always returned. I always came back to the place I'd rather be, where I was and still am very happy. So stop sulking, or..." I bounce on my heels as they turn curious.

"All of this honey I have is just going to be eaten up. By me."

Everyone falls silent simultaneously and even the snow halts for a moment.

I can feel the begging eyes bore into my skin at the mention of honey, and my heart goes heavy.

"Oh I didn't mean it! It's in here, just make sure to share." I give in reluctantly and watch as my family becomes happy again. Although I know I'll miss Lisa and the library along with Sara at Good Hunter, I hold down those thoughts, knowing that there'll be a time to visit them later. I could always write to them as well if the feeling grows too high.

Everything is ready to go as everyone lingers for a moment just to silently say goodbye to the place they've also called home.

I stretched my arms and sneak some jelly (who knows what would've happened if Vopa found out) to allow the sugary treat to wake me up. I am horrible when it comes to sleep, finding that I can knock out anywhere at anytime. The freezing air constantly hitting my nape didn't even affect me at this point, as all I wanted to do was buckle down and go to sleep. The group starts moving un-expectantly and I almost fall back from trying to lurch myself forward to keep up. After stifling a yawn, I look around, noticing Kumo walking in the back, menacingly.

It sounds exaggerated but he's hunched with his ax over his shoulder and a cloak waving with each step. I have to stop myself from calling it out but the laughing that comes out is plentiful. I fall back to walk beside him, taking glances at him only to see him scanning the place with a glare.

"Ku, are you upset?" I ask.

"No, why? Did I do something?" He looks at me and the agitated expression is gone.

"You look like you want to set fire to the grass." I poke fun at him but then my shenanigans halt upon realization.

"Wait, you have your mask off?"Surprised is an understatement. He nods his head with a smile.

"Why?" I ask.

"Do you not like it?" He leans over me, quite literally, and shows me his signature pouting face.

Guaranteed to make anyone a pushover.

"No, no!" I wave my hands in protest, cupping his cheeks and squishing them to further push out his pout.

"I was just wondering."

Sneaking a look towards the others, I plant a quick kiss on his puckered lips when the coast is clear and sprint off to hide between Puwa and Sama. Kumo, being as big as he is, can't run after me without knocking others out of the way, so triumphantly I send him a coy smile before turning forwards again. Wherever we end up, I know I'll be fine.

We'll all be.

I feel like this took too long to be updated and I'm sorry for that. I have no excuse being school is fine and although I'm sick, I stay on my laptop a lot. I've just been procrastinating for the heck of it. I will however, thank ya'll for the votes! You can bet your browser history that I was happy as hell when seeing those notifications. Not sure who reads these end notes, but thanks for reading this chapter my little bun-buns, it makes my day. ✨😭

Side-note, I did not really spell/grammar check my latest chapters (including this one) yet so I might do that soon. If you get a notification that the book update or smth of that sorts, it might just be edits.

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