Attempted Poison

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"Mom, Dad, I'll be heading to the store to get something," Blaze told his parents. "Is there anything you need?"

"Can you take Sparkle with you?" Phoenix asked.

"Um, okay, I guess," Blaze nodded.

"Yay! Sibling bonding!" Sparkle cheered.

"By the way, Crusher's sleeping in his room, so don't disturb him, please?" Blaze told them.

"We won't, promise," Flame promised with a smile.

"Thanks. See you all when we get back," Blaze waved them goodbye before he and Sparkle left the apartment.

As soon as they were gone, Flame sighed and took out the vile of black liquid. Phoenix glanced at the liquid and hissed.

"Flame, are you sure we should do this?"

"Do you REALLY believe Blaze would date Crusher without anything?" Flame questioned.

"No, but look at how he's been acting these past few weeks," Phoenix pointed out. "He hasn't done any wrong, and he's been proving us wrong with every chore he does in the house,"

"Yeah, you're right," Flame sighed. "but we have the vile now. What else do you want us to do?"

"I... I don't know," Phoenix let out a sigh as well.


Crusher groaned as he woke up to the door creaking open. He looked up with a yawn to see Phoenix coming into the room.

"Hey, sweetheart, heard you were having a rough time sleeping," she spoke as she came in with a mug of milk. "Want some warm milk?"

"Thank you, Ms. Phoenix," Crusher gave a smile and got up a bit to take the mug.

Phoenix felt the guilt and nervousness lump up her throat as she watched the dark blue truck drink the milk. He winced mid-drink but managed to gulp everything in, shutting his teary eyes before handing back the mug.

"I... I'm sorry," he spoke as he hiccuped the drink with a cough. "I... I should have known that you... you haven't accepted me yet..."

"You... You can taste the poison...?" Phoenix gulped as her guilt rose up. "Crusher..."

Before she could say anything, however, Crusher doubled back in a coughing fit. Phoenix's eyes widened in horror, but as she drove over to check on him, she froze at the droplets of blood dropping on the floor.

"GASKETS!" Phoenix dropped the mug. "FLAME!"

"What is it, hon-- LUGNUTS!" Flame hissed in shock as he watched the dark blue truck have his coughing fit before fainting. "OKAY, POISON, BAD IDEA!"

"THEN HELP ME CARRY HIM TO THE HOSPITAL!" Phoenix screeched as she attempted to carry the dark blue truck. "COME ON!"


"Hmm..." Blaze grimaced as he watched the sun set from the bay.

After getting the stuff they needed, Sparkle insisted to get some ice cream from the ice cream store. Pickle's ice cream store at the bay was the only one available at that moment, so they headed there.

As time passed, however, he had a not-so-great feeling settling down in his stomach. A feeling that something was wrong.

Horrible, horribly wrong.

"Big bro, you okay?" Sparkle asked as she licked her ice cream.

"I... I don't know, Sparkle, just..." Blaze winced. "something doesn't feel right today..."

"I'm sure no one would even dare to hurt Crusher while Mom and Dad watch over him," Sparkle reassured him.

"I know, I know, but..."

Before Blaze would keep going, his phone rang out. He took it with a gulp and answered it.


"BLAZE!" his mother's voice echoed through the phone. "BLAZE, CRUSHER'S IN THE HOSPITAL--!"

"WHAT?!" Blaze cried out. Apparently, his bad feeling really was BAD. "Sparkle and I are on our way!"

He hung up quickly then he and Sparkle, along with Pickle, who had heard every word, dashed to the hospital as fast as they could. There, they found Phoenix and Flame at the reception, looking worried as they waited.


"Blaze, please, listen," Phoenix started, holding his son by the tires. "There... There was a poison and..."


"Alright, squirt, we're going to be honest," Flame sighed. "A few weeks ago, Stripes gave us a vile of poison-"

"...what?" Blaze's eyes widened in horror as he felt his whole world collapse.

"Mom... Dad... you had poison...?" Sparkle looked just as horrified. "But... But why...?"

"Blaze, Sparkle, please listen," Phoenix tried to reason out. "I... Okay, I admit that we... we were the ones who gave him the poison, but--"

"Listen?" Blaze's eye twitched as he gritted his teeth. "After what you did... after I TRUSTED YOU BOTH?! You want me to LISTEN WHEN YOU BETRAYED ME LIKE THIS?!"

"I think that's enough from you both," Officer Anna dove forward, having Pickle call her during the commotion. "I'd like to take you both to the station, Ms. Phoenix, Mr. Flame,"

"Okay, Officer Anna," Flame sighed in surrender before he and Phoenix followed the police officer out of the hospital.

"Yeesh, that was horrible," Darington hissed as he and Zeg drove into the hospital after Pickle called them over.

"Blaze and Sparkle okay?" Zeg asked as he patted their backs.

"I... I don't know anymore..." Sparkle whimpered, moving to get a hug from the dino truck.

"I... I'm fine." Blaze's voice went stern as he straightened up. "I should have expected this, though. How... How could I be this foolish?"

"It was low of them to do this," Pickle told him and sighed. "but... I think they feel guilty enough to do the same stunt again,"

"Of course they won't, considering the fact that the police have them in custody," Darington huffed.

"Sir, are you here for the patient Crusher?" one doctor came forward.

"Yes, I am," Blaze nodded. "Is he okay?"

"We've pumped all the poison out, but he's still out cold," the doctor replied. "Would you like to see him?"

"Yes please," Blaze gave another nod.

"And Darry, Zeg and I will watch over and comfort Sparkle," Pickle offered.

"Thanks, guys," Blaze smiled then he turned to follow after the doctor,

The doctor led him to a room. Inside, Crusher was laying down, unsconscious as a blanket was set on him. His pulse beeped slow but steadily at the monitor beside him as Blaze drove forward.

"Hey, Crushy," he spoke, even if he knew that the other wouldn't hear him and respond as he drove to his side. "I... I can't believe this happened to you..." He slowly reached out to hold his tire before kissing his forehead. "I'm so sorry... I... I should have been more careful about who to trust..."

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