Chapter 5

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Chaeyoung's POV

Finally, it's Monday today, the first day of school. Today is just an orientation day, we don't have classes, we will be picking up our timetables, each of us will receive a locker and a school personnel will tour us around, showing us all the facilities they have.

I ride my newly bought motorbike to school. I can afford a car but I decided to buy a motorbike instead. I enjoy the speed, love the feeling of fresh air hitting my face when I ride it and last but not least, I won't be stucked in traffic.

While parking my bike at the parking lot, Dahyun and Tzuyu come running to me,

'Wow, this is so cool, Chae! Now the girlcrush image is complete' Dahyun squeals,

I smile,

Tzuyu with her poker face casually speaks 'can your feet reach the ground when you are sitting on your bike, Chae?'

'Of course, I won't be able to ride it if I can't reach the ground. I'm not that short ok!' I huff

They just laugh at me.

We then proceed to walk inside the school. We follow instructions, first we pick up our timetables and locker keys from administration office. From my great entrance test results, for most of my subjects, I'm placed in year 12 classes even though I'm supposed to be in year 11 according to my age. Dahyun and Tzuyu were also put into lots of year 12 classes as well.

After the mandatory school tour with all the other transferees. We are now free to roam around the school on our own. This school is huge, very modern, clean with lots of trees providing shades at the school yards. Overall it gives off a clean and fresh vibe.

'Let's go check out our lockers' Dahyun says with excitement while wrapping her arms around me and Tzuyu's shoulders.

Each year level has different locations for lockers, as most of our subjects are year 12 subjects, our lockers are also located in year 12 locker area. We enter the hall way to see lots of students everywhere, some standing and chatting in groups, some running around chasing each other, some sitting on the ground leaning on the walls having snacks... Some random girls wave at me, I wave back and keep walking, then some other girls even wink at me...I was thinking to myself, wow people in this school sure are friendly.

Dahyun nudge my arm 'Looks like the girls here are falling for your charms, Chae.'

I just shrug it off and keep walking.

The lockers are placed along the corridor, many rows of them align perfectly along the wall.

'232...233...234 here it is, I found my locker' I says,

Dahyun's locker is next to mine on the right, then next to hers is Tzuyu's one. While we are trying to figure out how to use the locks using combinations, a girl who is using the locker next to mine on the left, looks at me,

'Hello, you must be new here, haven't seen you around.' she says in a friendly tone. She has short hair, tall and a pretty face.

'Yes, I just transferred here. Nice to meet you! I'm Son Chaeyoung' I extend my hand out for a handshake,

She goes in for a hug instead 'I'm Yoo Jungyeon, nice to meet you!'

After we broke the hug, I introduce Dahyun and Tzuyu to Jungyeon, she gives them each a hug as well.

'I'm 19 by the way, how old are you guys? You guys look like babies' Jungyeon asks,

'We are 18 years old. So you are older than us. Sorry we didn't know Jungyeon unnie' we bow to her,

'It's ok, no big deal.' She laughs.

Suddenly, some boys are running towards the hall way entrance while screaming 'They're here...They're here!'

Murmurings can be heard, I look around to see people are scooching closer to the walls on both side of the hall way as if they are giving way for someone. Most people turn their heads to the hallway entrance expecting something.

'What's with this commotion, Jungyeon unnie?' I heard Dahyun asks,

'Ah, it's our school's elegant princess, Myoui Mina and her friends' Jungyeon unnie answer,

We now can hear people talking more clearly

'Wow, so pretty!'
'How can someone be this elegant?!'
'God, they are so fit!'
'Drop the skincare routine please!'
'Mina, please look at me!'

I stick my head out looking at the direction that everyone is looking at, and there I see 4 beautiful girls walking towards our way, beautiful is an understatement, they are goddesses.

As they walk closer into my view, my eyes are instantly drawn to one particular girl, and I know for sure, she is the elegant princess that everyone is talking about. Her whole being is the definition of elegant, her mysterious and high class aura resemble a princess of a long lost kingdom.

I can't take my eyes off her, as if there is a magnet pulling me in, her long black hair waves slightly with every steps she takes, her fair skin, her long legs and slender body. She is perfect. I'm deeply mesmerised, I stay rooted with eyes glue to her, as if someone has casted a spell on me.

She is now just about to pass by me. Out of nowhere, she trips onto nothing, my instinct kicks in, I reach my arms out and caught her before she just seconds away from landing flat on the floor, thanks to my quick reflex and strength from many years of Taekwondo training.

She is now in my arms, and for me, time seems to freeze, her eyes tightly closed because of the shock. I'm looking straight at her, after realising that she is in someone's arms, she opens her eyes and looks straight back at me. Her beautiful brown almond shaped eyes, they look so deep and clear like a calm surface of a lake in autumn, I want to swim in them forever. Thump...Thump...Thump...there goes my heart, looking at her eyes this close proximity and having her in my arms like this is not good for my heart, but I would like to stay in this position forever, with my right arm supports her back, my left arm wraps her front and my left hand is on top of something soft. I avert my eyes to my left hand and realisation strikes me, my left hand is on top of one of her breasts...cup...cupping it...

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