Chapter 38

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Third person's POV

After Mr and Mrs Myoui left, Chaeyoung and Mina both went into their bedroom's ensuite to wash up. They both have been staying quiet, Chaeyoung is busy with her thoughts of how to deliver her promise with Mr Myoui while Mina is just trying to avoid another scolding from Chaeyoung this time, because Chaeyoung promised her Dad, and she knows Chaeyoung will deliver that promise no matter what.

Chaeyoung finished washing up before Mina. She is now in her pyjama, sitting on their bed, waiting. Not long after, Mina steps out of the ensuite, also in her matching pyjama with Chaeyoung,

'Minari, come over here, I need to talk to you.' Chaeyoung says using her stern voice,

Hearing Chaeyoung's stern tone of speech, Mina instantly looks down at her feet, knowing she can't avoid this scolding any longer. She slowly walks over, standing infront of Chaeyoung who is sitting on the bed, her eyes fixed to the floor, she is nervously fidgeting with her fingers,

'I've been thinking about it, and your Dad is right. You rarely listen to what I say, why is that, Minari?' Chaeyoung asks, her voice is as stern as ever,

Mina's lips already formed a sad pout, she is fidgeting with her fingers nonstop, 'Chaeyoungie, I... I do listen to you, it... just sometimes I... I pay my...attention to other things and...forget about what you told me.' Mina answers in her tiny voice,

'It's because I spoil you too much, isn't it? That's why you think it's ok to not do what I say.' Chaeyoung concluded,

Mina can't argue to that because it is true, she always knows that Chaeyoung would spoil her with anything, she knows Chaeyoung would forgive her doesn't matter what mistakes she made. But tonight, it seems like a different story, Chaeyoung is much more strict than usual, and this scolding doesn't seem to end anytime soon.

'Also, I'm sure I have told you many times not to trust anyone too easily, and yet you never even trying to fix it.' Chaeyoung continues to scold,

'Chaeyoungie, I... I...' Mina tries to explain herself, but can not form a whole sentence because she is just so nervous infront of a stern Chaeyoung.

'To fix these bad habits of yours, Minari, from now on, I won't spoil you anymore, and I will be very strict.' Chaeyoung says, her voice sounds very determined,

Mina instantly raises her head, looking at Chaeyoung after hearing that, her face real sad, her lips pout to the max, her eyes pleading, 'Chaeyoungie... please don't.' Her voice almost inaudible,

Seeing Mina's sad face and pleading eyes, Chaeyoung's heart has already melted, she is trying very hard to keep her straight face, 'From now on, I will... I will...'. And when she sees Mina's bottom lip starts to shake a little, water starts to form in Mina's eyes, Chaeyoung has completely lost the ability to speak. Chaeyoung knows right then and there, she has lost this battle, whatever made she thinks that she can be strict to her Baby.

Chaeyoung immediately stands up, pulls Mina into her arms, hugging her tightly while caressing her hair to soothe her, 'My Princess, I'm sorry. Please don't cry, I will stop now, no more scolding. Forget about me saying that I will stop spoiling you, forget about me being strict to you. I can't, I just can't do it. Your Dad can be angry at me however he wants, but I will protect and care for my Baby in my own way.'

Mina buries her face into the crook of Chaeyoung's neck, her arms wraps around Chaeyoung's waist tightly, 'Chaeyoungie, I will listen to you, I will learn to not be gullible anymore. Please don't be mad at me! Please don't change the way you treat me!' Mina begs,

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